
Wednesday 30 November 2016


It was often the case that I was hired for "trouble shooting" jobs during my life as I was viewed by my bosses as a "troubleshooter", and they had a job specific to "solve a problem" that they were having in the business and that was usually discussed in the interview. When I began my own company, I took that experience into helping my clients that hired yours truly to help them.

In the UK, we used to have a great television series that featured Sir John Harvey-Jones and during the series he would go into different companies to see what was holding those companies back. The TV series was called "Troubleshooter".

I view Donald JOHN Trump as a "Troubleshooter", a man that can see what must be done to help his country. A man and his family, that came in under budget, and delivered prior to the amount of the time given. So how many "Troubleshooters", do you have America?

From experience I know that some business people don't like "Troubleshooters", sometimes they find it hard to make the changes that have to be made to help those people and their companies to prosper.

Even Sir John Harvey-Jones found that with business people in the UK. It's a great TV series and can be accessed on youtube, real life stories.


Prior to the American election, Americans were told that it is 'Game Over", and that "astrologers", would have no impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

America reached the "Bitter End" in New York. So are Americans going to spend their lives talking about Trump and his family? Don't those people have anything better to do? Perhaps Donald JOHN Trump should give those people a job.

People that have respect also respect others, I respect Sir John Harvey-Jones and the work that he did in the UK, I also respect Donald JOHN Trump for the work that he did, he was especially brave and courageous during the presidential election.

And the LORD said, "I will cause all of my goodness to pass in front of you and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion upon those whom I shall have compassion". Exodus 33:19

JOHN was given the FEATHERS of protection, and his family will always be protected in red, white and blue. John the name of an apostle to Jesus.


JOHN replied, "A person can receive only what is given them from heaven". John 3:27

No coincidence then that one of my first bosses had the name of JOHN COLLINS, I was only a teenager when he gave me a job. We worked together just off of Bond Street in London. I was offered a few jobs at the same time with different companies, so I had an important choice to make that impacted hugely upon my life and career in London.

I chose the company that I felt had the best energy, and the offices were full of light. A smallish company, with lovely people in a great location, it had it all to offer, all I had to do was say, YES!

John was the financial director of the company and the MD was also a JOHN, an American JOHN McCormick. I did read that John McCormick has passed over, God bless his soul, he was such a lovely business man. A man with a big heart, when I left his company he wrote on my leaving card, "Have a bleeding heart, don't leave us", trust him, to write a cockney saying.


"I have testimony weightier than that of JOHN, for the works that the Father has given me to finish the very works that I am doing - testify that the Father has sent me". John 5:36

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