
Saturday 26 November 2016


This is a new Beetroot recipe, a Beetroot Humous, I've haven't tried it yet, although I will do so as I bought some beetroot last week. If you read the HP research project post, then you will know that Beetroot is excellent for anyone that might have any high blood pressure issues and or issues with blood.

This being the time of year when people start to think about their menu for the holidays, this Beetroot recipe is a delicious alternative as a starter served with fresh vegetables or as a dip for parties. 

I like a prawn cocktail, avocado with a prawn cocktail in it as a starter too, and or smoked salmon. A choice of smoked salmon pate, smoked mackerel pate, liver chicken pate are also delicious and healthy for you. For large dinner parties, I used to make my chicken liver pate in advance because you can freeze it. 

What soups could we have? A choice of celery, or carrot and coriander, so many different and lovely healthy soups, your soups can also be made in advance and frozen.

The older you get, the more easily digestible your food has to be, so please consider the older people in your families.  It's really important that you choose specific foods for specific health conditions. As you change your choice of foods to suit your health conditions, and with it the specific nutrient boosters, you soon begin to see and feel some improvements. 

Yesterday, I had some more whitebait and salad for my Vit E. A whitebait salad is also a great starter. For breakfast I had baked beans, an egg, mushrooms, and a tomato. My drink, fresh orange juice, no to concentrate.

I like my Diana breakfast of smoked salmon pieces with scrambled eggs too. It's always a treat, so eat plenty of oily fish. 

My fresh fruit at the moment is black grapes, kiwi's and banana's, I have raspberries, blackberries, and other berries in the freezer for when I fancy some or am compelled to have some. I try to make sure that I always have the fruit that is essential for my body and what it is experiencing.


Orignal artwork, A4. 25th November, 2016. 

I'm still juicing and enjoy it very much. The juicer is one of the most wonderful kitchen appliances, I can do without a cooker, I can't do without my juicer that I use with my soups sometimes. I had a surprise visitor yesterday, and recommended that she begin to juice. The lovely healer gifted yours truly with a double hob, so I now have more to cook with. 

I tend to increase my garlic in take during the winter time, I also increase the amount of spices. Garlic and spices are great for defence of your bodies immune system.

I still have to get some SAFFRON that I was shown to get, and I think the SAFFRON is going to be important post-operative procedure. I have ice-cream, and I also have yoghurt that it is very important for yours truly. I've also been thinking about milk puddings for the winter time, although I do like golden syrup pudding with custard. Pancakes with cranberries and ice cream are also great.

My preference is savouries although I do like some puddings sometimes as a treat.

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