
Sunday 13 November 2016

14th November 2016 SUPERMOON

People are saying that this SUPERMOON in November, is the largest since January 1948. Christians tend to view everything through their own eyes and how things connect to Israel. Whereas spiritual people tend to look at things from a panoramic viewpoint.

So for instance from a Christian viewpoint it's 70 years since Israel became a nation. However, if we look at what happened in January 1948, the lawyer, and peacemaker, Ghandi was assassinated, and that was hugely significant for India and the world. Although planetary wise, there would've been a different configuration, that was the 20th century, and this is the 21st century. that was born in wisdom.

You may remember the painting of the Hebrew symbol that was shown to me in gold.

Interesting that the American in this video mentions the MALAKHI prophecy while he is explaining how he views this Supermoon. I'm sharing this so that you can see and hear how some Americans are viewing it.

Being on the 'Day of Investigator', it will certainly be powerful for justice. Also interesting that Donald John Trump is currently choosing his team for justice and law in America. People that will carry out investigations to his satisfaction. 

In 2010, Clinton was aware that she was "losing the information war" and the more that the Democrats fight against Trump, the more people will flee from the Democrats, they are doing the exact opposite to what would gain them support. 

They have to accept that people of integrity could not support Clinton due to her 'war crimes'. We cannot have 'lawless' presidents and or prime ministers, taking out leaders in other countries, it's has honest as that! 

How would the Americans feel if what Clinton did to the Libyan leader happened to her and America?  None of us that have a heart of conscience could support such a thing. No, Clinton should receive a proper trial, and if America isn't prepared to do it, then an international court should step in.  

What was interesting is who in the UK came out against an elected President of America, names that include Richard Branson, (he supported the election of Tony Blair), Nicola Sturgeon, Russell Brand. Americans are keeping a list of American celebrities that have stood against cleaning up the mess and in the UK we're also keeping an eye on it.

In the UK, Nigel Farage came out for Trump, so did Jacob Rees-Mogg, MP, Marine Le Pen in France and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. In 2017, there are also more elections in European countries. 

You can look at the planetary chart in this video, and you can see that the X is prominent in it.

Going back to America, another huge aspect as been the MSM, and we are seeing the passing of the media in America due to what they've done, paid operatives for one political party that is now 'dying' due to its 'disrespect' for it's readers and membership.

Although there has been huge growth in alternative media, and BREITBART is an example of that, they're now receiving 37 million unique views. The media is changing hugely, people are demanding integrity, and those that are truly involved in investigative journalism are prospering. That will certainly be heightened by the planet of communications, Mercury being in Sagittarius, Sagittarius being my ascendent sign, and gemini my moon sign. 

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