
Friday 14 October 2016


Both Mr Trump and Mrs Trump have individually instructed their own legal teams to take on the different American publishers; demanding retractions.

Now there is more news from Wikileaks; Julian Assange has been on American television showing the evidence that there has been an FBI cover-up over the Clinton emails. Trump is talking about Wikileaks emails on his rallies and that's bound to bring more people to the work of Julian Assange.

When Assange makes his moves like this; it always reminds me of scripture.

'For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open'. Mark 4:22

Julian's medical report concludes that 'he lives in a state of chronic health insecurity' due to the British government and America not giving Julian Assange assurances. I think that after everything that Assange has done to help America to gain it's freedom, the least the American people could do is assure his safety and freedom.

Being locked in at the Ecuadorian embassy is definitely having an impact upon his health. Medical professionals say that he requires an MRI scan for his shoulder, and dental treatment is also mentioned in the doctor's report. To obtain the healthcare that he requires it would mean leaving the embassy and he cannot do that in the current circumstances. The British government have to back off completely, allow the man his freedom and the Americans have to do the same.

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