
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Whistleblowers -v- NHS

Investigative journalist and film maker Gavin MacFadyen that passed over recently, supported whistleblowers from the NHS. In the video above Jonathan Pie shares again about what is happening to the NHS in the UK, due to what Cameron planned and Jeremy Hunt is implementing. 

In the video he is standing outside BARTS Hospital in London. In 2014, I was referred in an emergency to Bart's Hospital in London for an emergency appointment.

A year later and after providing them with a complete health case history the appointment with the consultant still didn't arrive. A year later in 2015, my local surgeon decided that we couldn't wait any longer, and I was referred to a local consultant at a local hospital, that appointment arrived for 2016. 

In 2016, I wasn't happy with the surgeon, as she said the condition was normal, and she did not examine me either. I disagreed with that surgeon and asked for the surgeon to be changed, I was asking for a diagnosis, because it is known fact, that the health condition can be triggered by trauma as seen in Sjogren's patients.

I was then given a different surgeon, that then referred me back to my regular surgeon, then the regular surgeon referred me back to hospital surgeon. A swab was taken, a prescription for a gel was sent, but still no diagnosis provided by the NHS surgeon. 

We are now in the position where surgery can happen when they have a space for it. However, they won't take me in for surgery, unless I have a carer to take care of me. Why do I have to have a carer to take care of me after the operation? The NHS are not offering a bed in hospital where I should be kept in after the operation, the surgeon says there are no beds.

At the very least they should keep me in overnight for observation. It's not good enough to take a person in for a day, for a major operation, involving stitches, and then send them home again the same day due to the extent of the bleeding that can happen.


In the meantime, DWP have provided me with no financial help, to pay for nutrients that my body requires. Nor have they paid for the expenses that have been incurred, or provided yours truly with the pension that I paid for during my working life.

In addition, to the surgery, I now have an appointment in January 2017 to see the neurologist for an MRI scan. I did tell the NHS, that I thought that the MRI scan should've been done prior to the surgery. As I am aware of the impact that surgery can have on our neurones, due to the impact of the trauma that the body experiences due to surgery. It's a proven fact that trauma impacts on neurones, and neurones impact on everything else.

We also know from leading back surgeons in the UK that they have said that 'x-rays are useless.'

So all of those x-rays that they have been taking of my body, have been a 'waste' of NHS money. Sophia used to say, 'Waste not, want not'. I've been asking for an MRI since at least 2010-2011.

I've seen an osteopath, chiropractors, a Rheumatologist, and now referred to a Neurologist. I asked for more chiropractic treatment but the NHS were only willing to provide five sessions. I have a letter on file from the CEO of the local health trust, that explained that the health condition is complex. 

Jonathan calls Theresa May's government 'Nasty', I would go a lot further than that and repeat what UKIP said, it is 'Economic Cruelty' upon the poorest of the nation. On top of that they plan to introduce another 22BN of cuts to the NHS. 

Julian Assange hasn't been able to access the MRI scan service that he requires for his shoulder either, he also requires oral surgery. His doctors have also written that Assange is suffering from 'Health Insecurity', and they are concerned for his mental state due to it. However, at least Julian doesn't have any financial insecurity to cope with too. At least he can afford the food that he requires, and as a roof over his head in the safety of the embassy.

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