
Wednesday 12 October 2016


After I received the 'O"Reilly, O'Reilly' message last night, surprise surprise, Donald Trump did his first presidential TV interview. At least Bill gave Donald the chance to say what he wished to say. A man that is doing his utmost to defend his country and his people, and the Trump brand at the same time.

When Trump is 'attacked' by the Liberal media, they're not only 'attacking' his character, they're also 'attacking' his manhood, his business and his family and he won't put up with it. He will speak his mind, no matter how blunt it comes across. Trump is cross, very cross, about what has happened to America and so many Americans agree with him. That is why his rallies are overflowing, Donald Trump is shaking up and waking up America like never before.

The sleeping giant, the silent majority has woken up, and Nigel Farage described him as being like a silver backed gorilla, and King Kong did come to mind. Although he was born in the year of the fire dog in Chinese philosophy. He was born in an era when men were men. Big and powerful protectors of their family and children.

Interesting that when my own parents were being 'threatened' in London, my dad bought my mum, a large dog to protect her while he was at work. That dog loved her so much, she was always safe, and he used to love to cuddle her in front of the fire.

While Trump was being himself, the macho side of his personality, Milo was in Vanderbilt talking about defending the freedoms of America. At the same time as it was written that he had $7,000 of security to protect Milo while he was speaking at Vanderbilt university. 

Is that what you call freedom America? A place where a university speaker as to have that kind of cost to protect them, so that they can share the truth. That is the Obama-Clinton America, an America that has a blood bath in Chicago on a regular basis. When I see the thousands of people at Trump rallies, today. it gave me tingles, and joyful tears, it has been such a long journey for America since 9/11.

It has been such a long journey watching you, America. 

Milo's view of what is at stake, the American constitution and the Supreme Court. The future of the nation. It is clear to people with common sense, that America has been on the 'path of destruction', for decades. Even the Native American, Russell Means spoke of how America had been at war every year of it's existence.

Now we all hope that America can see the light and take a different path for the future of its children and nation. For what happens in America also impacts upon other nations.

Remember what Putin said to the UN, 'Do you realise what you've done?'.

The latest from the Daily Express is about the revelations about Clinton emails, and contracts.

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