
Friday 21 October 2016


The heavenly Father asked me to stay with it until the 'Bitter End', and there is a location with that name in New York. We now have Donald Trump calling them out again at the dinner in New York, before the eyes of the world. The more he called them out, the more that the clergy sweat, the more that they booed at Donald Trump.

Donald Trump a man that had attended this dinner previously with his dad. He spoke of his dad and how when he was young he did carpentry for his dad, for only three weeks. The clergy laughed at the analogy that is associated with Jesus.

The analogy continued as Trump continued to call them out, you could see that they wished for him to shut up, but he didn't. He carried on, he stayed on it. Donald Trump that married a woman with the name of a saint, Melanija, he asked his wife to stand up and commented on how the Liberal media and journalists had treated his wife.

Jesus and the Magdalene analogy. Afterwards I noticed that Clinton was wearing rubies, and Jewish people know that wisdom is more precious than rubies.

They booed at Trump in the same way that they did to Jesus when he called them out. The looks on their faces they could not contain, it was shown to those that could see it. There is one thing that you can say about Trump, he is a genius, courageous, and tenacious. Certainly Presidential, last night.

Also interesting that Jeremiah 4 mentions communications. "Your own conduct and actions have brought this on you. This is your punishment. How bitter it is! How it pierces to the heart" Jeremiah 4:18.

Interesting that the verse of the day is; 'I desire to do your will my God, your law is within my heart'. Psalm 40:8.

Clinton wasn't very happy about the Veritas undercover investigation was she?

James O'Keefe, undercover journalist, exposed what the DNC were doing and planning. Then there was Wikileaks and the emails. On the 1st of September, I warned the (American) astrologers that they would not be able to save 'Calamity Clinton', as biblical prophecy forewarned them, prophecy says that they can't even save themselves from the power of the flame. Isaiah 47.

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