
Monday 24 October 2016

Michael Lerner Clinton Email

Recently Julian Assange said it was time, it certainly is, especially with the passing over of Gavin MacFadyen, the Director of Wikileaks. So time for some "Whistleblowing" and disclosure from yours truly, the power of the flame.

Yesterday I received an email:

Message Received: Oct 23 2106, 08.49PM 
From: Tikkun 
To: my email address. 

Subject: Honor human rights activist Rabbi Arik Ascherman at Tikkun's 30th anniv. celebration Nov 12 & 13

'Though the first day of the our 30th anniversary celebration (Saturday, Nov. 12 ) will largely be devoted to developing understanding and strategy for the coming years as we face a centrist President who will herself be facing immense pressures to satisfy the agendas of the 1% who have largely funded her political career, and to abandon the trajectory and idealism revealed by the near-successful Bernie Sanders primary campaign, we will also spend much time the second day (Sunday, November 13) honoroing everyone who has engaged in social change activism at some point in their lives on the second day of the conference, with special attention to a few whose lives made major contributions to the healing and transformation of our world--by giving them the Tikkun Award'. 

What does that tell you about American politics? That email is telling you that Clinton has already been elected by her supporters and they have the audacity to share that with you prior to the election happening. Are they hoping that will impact on the voting public to vote for Clinton? How comes they are already arranging events around Clinton? 

Or does Michael already know the election has been rigged in Clinton's favour? I recommend that there is an investigation of Michael Lerner and his organisation forthwith. 

So who is Michael Lerner, he was born in 1943, three years younger than the American Gavin MacFadyen who has supported the disclosure of information about the DNC, how they implement their campaigns, that includes 'violence' against their opponent and his rallies. 

Lerner has been married three times, the most recent to Cat Zavis in 2015. He is an American political activist, and his profile says that he was arrested for inciting violence at a protest. 

Due to his position on Israel, in 2003, the San Diego Jewish Journal described him as "the most controversial Jew in America, writing, 'He is relentlessly critical of Israel'. 

In 2009, it was written that he had lung cancer and he was writing to people asking them to fund his treatment that he required due to the cost of the drugs. Did the Liberal Democrats pay for that too? 

Lerner has been called out a few times by myself and others.  Did he listen?

What's more important being popular or the truth?

Dad used to say I had piano fingers, like him. Joseph had a piano and Dad sure could whistle. I think the journalists could hear him throughout Fleet Street. When he whistled everyone could hear him, it was so distinctive. I have a lovely Obsidian finger as long as a piano key. 

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