
Monday 3 October 2016


On the 26th May, 2016, I received the message MARE after I had received the 'Parkinson's Dream' with the horses in it.

It is Jewish New Year, 5777 and that adds up to 26, 26 is the gematria of the name of God. There has been a bus on fire outside Liverpool Street Station in London yesterday. Liverpool Street is where the Jewish children arrived in the WW2 timeline, and there is a lovely bronze monument of the children there.

There were also 500 people stuck on the London Eye yesterday, some say for at least four hours. Due to technical issues say Merlin Entertainment. However, who in their right mind would take their themselves and their children on such a thing? Are you all crazy, turn yours hearts to the children.

Today, 3rd of October the 'Day of the Trendsetter', there has been another explosion this time in MARE Street in Hackney, near Hackney Town Hall, East London.

It has been sealed off while an investigation is launched into the explosion. London streets were evacuated after the loud explosion, and flames were shooting up from two manhole covers. Everyone is safe, fortunately, no injuries due to it.

What else do we have on Parkinson's?

Neurologists have discovered that smoking reduces the risks of Parkinson's.

As the bible says, the leaves are for healing the nations. So you can have some tobacco leaves, you could even have a peace pipe. Remember this that the doctors are not always right, so ask them what science backs up their belief system and do they have any scans to prove it? Don't be afraid to challenge doctors and GP's when they bring up the issue of smoking. You can cite various studies where smoking has been found to be positive in reducing risks of experiencing different diseases.

However, moderation in all things, and remember to have your estrogen boosters. Also don't smoke while pregnant, and keep your children's areas smoke free. Remember this that just because a parent smokes doesn't mean that a child will.

Remember that when the native Americans smoked their peace pipes, the men sat together. As often was the case in the Greek Islands with the men, they would congregate together and put the worlds to right, as they thrashed out what had to be done in their local communities over a glass of Greek wine.

When I woke up today, I asked the LORD what his will was for me today, and whether he would like me to go where I had thought of going today, he replied, 'Finish what you started'. 

Yesterday, I started to clear the decks, the hallway was cleared, the rug was hoovered etc. It's clean up time, improving my space. So I understood his meaning to be related to the housework. However, on another level, I can see how the MARE message received earlier in the year, relates to finishing something off due to the explosion at Mare Street in London.

I can also see how the 'Parkinson's Dream' relates to the neurology, and some of the people that I have been talking too. I started talking to neurologists, and also to people whose families have and have had neurological conditions. In September, I started talking to national and local charities on the phone, and also made some visits to speak to some of them.

In 2007, I began to write a book and I know that has to be finished too, when I can get the technology with this computer sorted out. What has been written is on another computer, and I have to get everything moved over by my mac technician.

I remember when he said, 'You have the writ, all you have to do is put the leaves upon it'. In 2008, the first chapters were shared with a publisher in London that was interested in publishing the book, and a meeting was held in London over lunch. The publisher asked for an editor to edit the work.

In 2009, I experienced massive trauma to my back, and that has certainly had an impact on my life in a serious way. Although I've done my best to resolve it. The rest is history, I do think there is some damage to the nervous system, although I require the MRI scan for confirmation. I finally have a GP referral for an MRI scan, (it's taken six years to get it) although there is a transportation issue to resolve, due to not being able to get to the hospitals on offer. My local hospital is not offering any appointments for neurology.

My preference is to receive an appointment with a local hospital, either NHS or privately, due to the fact, that on-going treatment might be involved in it. As the biblical prophecy foretold, 'I will be quick to testify'.

Dogs are such powerful healers, and just look how wonderful these St Bernard's are with the children, the rescue dog. They carried the brandy to the people that they were rescuing, so it is no coincidence that there is a little brandy put into our flower essence remedies when selected for children and adults.

I do have to get a little brandy for my flower essences. Although I shall take rescue remedy neat straight from the stock bottle, when I have to go into hospital for surgery and afterwards. Truly, the leaves are for healing the nations.

Do you like coriander leaves in salad and soups? Brilliant for detoxification. I like coriander leaves very much. Although I shall have a pineapple drink today, made from fresh pineapple. I shall give my body the estrogen as the LORD spoke of it. I began painting pineapple in 2012, when I was cut off from the internet, and the Son of God, kept on urging me to paint.

My life turned a page in 2012, a new book of life had begun, filled with spreading the paint and more research work with healing foods. A miracle happened when a woman was brought for help to take away her pain from a very serious intestine disease.

The healing miracle was meant to be, for his glory, in his name. When two healers worked together upon a third. Remember what he said, when two gather in my name, there I shall be, the power of healers working together with him in pure intention. It wasn't the first healing miracle that I have witnessed, and it certainly won't be the last.

The first major healing miracle was when a woman's lungs went back to normal for a woman of her age. Prior to her being given the healing by yours truly, she couldn't breathe without being on a machine. Her life was indeed saved, and lengthened in timespan. She still lives, to speak of it over a decade later. In her 70's now, as intelligent as ever, and she's still smoking, the same as she was when we first met in my 30's.

In that timeline, people were brought onto Reiki healing training courses with other breathing, and some had serious skin conditions. I saw the bandages come off, and skin conditions cleared up.

I received emails and reports from people who found that their breathing conditions had been resolved. Small miracles, but just as important, all was important, every single person that was brought into my life. The power of the flame.

A school psychologist that I met while I was a consultant to Sure Start and the families, also reported, that it was my book, my healing meditation CD, and the Reiki healing that saved his life. He had a brain 'tumour.' He was given a copy of the first manuscript that I had written while I was in Australia, and the healing meditation that I had received on my return to England.

The healing meditation was recorded and published in 2001, the meditation of my heart, and there is a copy of it with the original cover, in the British Library in London. We were truly blessed to fulfil so many biblical prophecies and Israeli's were very happy to receive the good news when I was sent to Israel in May 2006. Love beyond measure to everyone this Jewish New Year.

In 2013, a local woman asked if I was Jewish, I replied to her, that I do have some Jewish blood running in my veins. I do have some family Jewish heritage. She also asked if I was clairvoyant, and I replied yes, I am. A man at the Quakers had told her about me, and that is why that member of Amnesty International asked the questions.

She then proceeded to 'attack' Israel in my presence, and I was not putting up with that. I asked her if she had ever been to Israel? Of course, that woman hadn't even walked on the land of Israel and met the Israeli's. I suggested that she go to Israel, walk on the land for five weeks as I had done, then come back and report to me on her findings.

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