
Saturday 15 October 2016


I was looking at what some Americans were posting in the social networks, and the heavenly Father spoke, he said, 'Majeure' and we usually find that in legal terminology. It can indicate an event that is the result of the elements of nature, as opposed to one caused by human behaviour.

When we look at what is happening in America; it makes Europe look completely sane. Apparently, the word 'major' is found in Latin. At least we have laughter, the best medicine.

Laughter is infectious, born to laugh naturally. 

In Hackmey Council v Dore (1922) it was held that "The Expression means some physical or material restraint and does not include reasonable fear or apprehension of such a restraint'.

In French law, for a defendant to invoke 'Force Majeure', the event proposed must pass three tests: 

1. Externality 

The defendant must have nothing to do with the events happening.

2. Unpredictability

If the event could be foreseen, the defendant is obligated to have prepared for it. 

3. Irresistibility

The consequences of the event must have been unpreventable.

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