
Tuesday 11 October 2016

Jewish Rabbi's - YOM KIPPUR

Last night my bedroom was filled Rabbi's, and I am always pleased to see them visit me. Then today, I received a phone call from a lovely Christian healer, a complimentary medicine therapist. We are going to get together soon. The 11th of October is the 'Day of Ease' in numerics.

In the Jewish calendar it is year 5777 and that adds up to 26, the gematria of the name of God.


The first time that I saw the Spirit of a Rabbi I was in Israel in Safed, in September 2007. Since that time, I have had various experiences when they have come and sometimes spoken to yours truly.

Sometimes they even turned up whilst I was giving healing with another healer and we were told that the Spirit of that man was with her and her healing work in helping the poor. She really has done a fantastic job with her healing skills and talents that were brought forth since we first met. I can say that she is probably the most devoted healer that I had the pleasure to train divinely. We worked together beautifully, and a miracle was the outcome.

So what is important about today? In Judaism it is Yom Kippur, the day to eat chicken be charitable to the poor, and you can give chicken to the poor too. I like chicken recipes very much and I do have some chicken for today.

They also speak of the time when the prophet speaks, so its interesting that they should visit me on what they consider to be the holiest day of the Jewish year. The day of their atonement. 


Another phone call arrived after I typed the above, with an appointment with my surgeon.

It's all moving forward in health for me today.

'See I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp with many teeth" Isaiah 41:15 

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