
Sunday 9 October 2016

Feminist Shami Chakrabarti Judged "Hypocrite"

Shami Chakrabarti as recently been made a baroness in the UK, and Jeremy Corbyn has also made her 'shadow attorney general'. Shami has been judged to be a "Hypocrite" by her critics.  As she defends sending her own son to private school costing £18,000 a year, at the same time as standing against selective education that includes grammar schools.

She said, "If you have money in this country you will always be alright', we see it time and time again, how the "Asians follow the money."

They can't even stick to the principles of equality that they campaigned on. What does that say about integrity? What does Corbyn say about that, as it is claimed that his relationship with his first wife ended over the same issue.

'I do not sit with the deceitful or associate with hypocrites', Psalm 26:4

Clearly, Jeremy Corbyn does.

Interesting numeric for that verse in that Psalm, bearing in mind that the Jewish Year of 5777 adds up 26.

And bearing in mind there has recently been a hurricane with the name of Matthew, Shami might like to read Matthew 23:15

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