
Saturday 22 October 2016


After the new millennium began I shared with spiritual people that 'Emotive Social Evolution was Coming' and some people didn't believe me. Yours truly also shared 'Energising People To Innovate Change'.

Look now at what is happening in America, it looks like all the hard work to wake Americans up is coming to fruition. In 2011, Jesus said that we were moving into awesomeness, I did change locations at that point.

Julian Assange as been awesome and all the people that have helped Julian Assange to spread the disclosures as foretold would come. All the whistleblowers, Edward Snowden, and others. Even people within the DNC political establishment became whistleblowers. Of course, Ron Paul did a great job too and many other people.

There is more than one way to get the truth to the world when the media won't allow the message to be released to a mass audience, when it doesn't fit with their narrative, it's hard to get your message across and distributed. Another reason why so many people turned to forums and social media, to get the truth out there.

A person that people will listen too has to stand up. Trump made that choice to stand up to the billionaires and the globalists on both sides of the political spectrum.

It is has been written that 'astrologers' are getting concerned that there could be a BREXIT event in America, and that this is a protest vote. However, those that have the eyes to see in Europe and in America can see this is not a protest, this is emotive social evolution, with a critical mass awakening.

People are energised to make a difference in the world, people are energised to innovate change.

People are energised to defend their Western cultures, and to make the changes necessary for humanity to survive and prosper by working together for the benefit of all. It's a grass roots movement, an uprising of the people. In recent years I had a lovely dream of Americans coming to the UK and we were healing together. I had just bought a pair of jeans, and we were discussing the choice that I had made.

Whatever happens at the presidential election, this movement, this energy cannot be stopped. The sleeping giant is awake, be a genius, be courageous, be tenacious. be strong, be diligent. Be truthful and demand integrity. Be love beyond measure, be magnanimous. 

Remember this the greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. That love of country, culture, people, family and children, that compelled Trump to stand up with the people for the people. Hand in hand, side by side in the front line. 

Nigel Farage did the same in the UK and Europe, he was brave enough to put his life on the line and say NO, we are leaving. A member of Nigel's team asked why I had contacted UKIP, I emailed and shared with them that I had been watching Nigel speak since 2007. Spreading his message on social media where he could be heard. 

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