
Tuesday 25 October 2016

Diamond -v- Clinton Yoga Pants

There is a lot at stake isn't there, especially when Democrats are more interested in yoga pant rallies and pronouns than they are people that are suffering from 'Economic Cruelty' in their country. That 'Economic Cruelty' as increased hugely during the Obama-Clinton administration, unprecedented levels of people on food stamps and unemployed since they took office.

After eight years, just look at the state of the nation? They were warned in advance of what would happen in 2008, prior to the election, did they listen then? Will they listen now? Democrats are more interested in yoga pant rallies than they are PODESTA emails.

Diamond and Silk deliver their message to Oprah. 

In 2010, an ex-senior university lecturer, scholar and veteran, was found, he had been dead for three weeks due to his services being cut off and he had no food. Americans refused to help him when asked to do so. 

The American police also refused to investigate his passing when I phoned them from the UK. 

The legal terminology, is 'Corporate Manslaughter', and 'Criminal Negligence', due to what happened to him due to Americans knowing that he had no food or services. 

I helped Michael all that I could, while I could do so, Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel.  

Now I am in the same financial situation as Michael again, as I was in 2012, internet could be cut off any day. 

I remember what the LORD said, MALAKHI, earlier this month. After we began blogging, he also told Americans that they had to pay a dollar a day. $365 dollars a year. It is logged on the previous blog. He also asked for a house, and a PA, a cook who could also be a secretary, due to his will that he had me implementing, divine intervention. 

Did they do the will of God? His son, Jesus warned them in advance that they have to do the will of the heavenly Father. Was 2,000 years long enough to prepare you for now? 

The biblical prophecies warned them in advance what would happen if they didn't pay up. You see if you don't pay up when he asks you to do so, he then takes action as the prophecies forewarned. 

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