
Saturday 8 October 2016

Conservative 'Man-Made Economic Crisis'

What went on inside and outside of the Conservative Conference? The WASPI's, 1950's women protesting and demanding our pensions.

Priti Patel, MP, inside the Conservative Conference, Patel that backs bring back the 'death sentence'. The Conservatives that inflicted austerity upon the people of our nation. This female MP whose dad came from Uganda, has the audacity to mention 'slavery'. She claims that the Conservatives have decreased 'death rates' abroad, when in fact, 'death rates' have increased at home and abroad.

What about her mention of the 'man-made economic crisis'. Yes, it was created by the Conservatives in the late 80's. It was called the 'recession' and many people that had been brainwashed into purchasing their own homes; then found themselves in 'negative equity'.

Conservatives gave people the ambition to own their own homes, then quickly took the assets from those people that were already mortgaged to the hilt. People ended up owing those mortgage companies money, just like they have in America. When in fact they were paying far too much already for properties that were overpriced for what they were. Our people renovated homes, then the Conservatives took them away from the people.

Yes, Priti indeed, a 'man-made economic crisis' to seize the assets of the people. Just like the Conservatives are doing now, by seizing the assets of the NHS. Many of the assets that were bestowed upon the poorest of the country, were not given by the wealthy to be sold off to the highest bidder.

The properties loaned to the NHS, were for the people to receive the healthcare that they required. The properties and lands that were given charitably belong to the people, not Elizabeth's politicians to do as they will with it.

The Conservatives allowed those banks and mortgage companies to remove the homes of the people. Conservatives seized the assets of the people, remember that is what they did in Germany, they took the assets of the people and engineered a war to do it. The Conservatives made many people homeless, the Conservatives have short memories don't they? It's a never ending cycle, no surprise then that MP admits that she's 'following the money!'.

'EU Economic Cruelty'

Hard working business people also saw their businesses and homes go, and with it the jobs of our nation. Salaries never increased after the recession in real terms, that is the outcome of the Conservatives.

So what do the people have to say about it? Just look at the numbers of people that protested outside the Conservative Conference. Seriously, the people have had enough of the Conservatives and their agenda that has brought many of our people into poverty due to austerity. At the same time as the career politicians gave themselves a pay rise, suicide has increased in our country.

The Conservatives picked on the poorest of the nation, that were already suffering, yet they have the audacity to talk about the financial aid they're giving to other countries. What planet are they on? If a country can't look after its own people first, then there is no economical growth for the nation in real terms.

Not only that but it is clear that Boris Johnson stands against Putin and the help that he is giving to Syria, due to what America was involved in. Clinton took out the Libyan leader, Putin was determined that the world would not watch the American's decimate another country.

The world did not ask for America to police it, nor did the world ask for the UK to police it either. America has 800 military bases spread across the world, with daily drones. Seriously, the world is not up for it anymore. Look after your own countries, your own nations, your own continents. Perhaps Patel should go back to Uganda with her family.

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