
Friday 28 October 2016


30th of October a Scorpio New Black Moon, interesting timing with the Clinton Scorpio -v- Lamb as seen in the Nostradamus illustration, plate 68. Apparently it's at 7 degrees, if so, then that will impact upon the spiritual, as 7 is the life number of the spiritual teacher, and the life number of Jesus as the shepherd of his flock. Clinton chose a Jesuit VP, and that will make no difference to those that truly live in the heart of integrity.

What use is a Jesuit VP, after we have seen what Planned Parenthood were doing with the babies in America? The Clinton's that made their money from 'selling the blood of prisoners', it can be surprising, what some Scorpio's have been involved in, and what they are willing to do to achieve their aims. Really was the wealth worth it, isn't happiness worth so much more?

In that video the American ladies are rapping about 'Nasty', and people can often turn that way. When it happens it is sad to see, especially on national television and in front of children. It comes at a time, when the clown craze from America is being seen in different locations in the UK, and America likes it's Halloween. My advice is to keep the children home, and make sure that they are safe and sound, tucked up with the heat of the power of love. My parents didn't embrace the American festivals, and I can see the reason why, and what it has co-created for America.

The word 'nasty' can be found in botany, relating to a 'nastic' change. Some flowers close at night, it is written that the nastic movement is in response to the brightness of the sky. It's impacted upon by stimulus and not location

The divine message received yesterday morning was about 'opinions', and we've seen a lot of 'opinions' being shared in social media, during the lead up to the final vote. The question is do people know what their 'opinions' are based upon, and where they are coming from? As facts are not always what facts appear to be, as science as often discovered.

Putin has called Clinton out due to her 'hysteria', over her 'opinions', she certainly knows how to whip up 'hysteria' amongst the America media, and some of its people. Scorpio's are very deep, very deep indeed, so I'm not surprised that Wikileaks as uncovered so much in the Podesta emails.

They don't like let letting go, they find it incredibly hard to forgive, pincers they have and they can sting. They're often someone other than what you anticipate them to be, it can take years for them to move on. In many ways it is a dark time for the world, although the light is still burning brightly for those that have the eyes to see it. Many people are having a very hard time of it.

The 30th of October is the 'Day of Overseer', so it is an important time for those that are in that spiritual position, of looking out for others, and taking care of others precious souls. My view is that it is an opportunity for soul healing, not just of self, and others, but for nations. The soul of the nation, so for instance, in the UK, the soul of the nation is it's welfare state and NHS. Only with it, is it Great Britain, it is what unites our country and it's people.

Although confrontation and challenges are inevitable, it's how you overcome them that is important.

It's often a time when people have to review situations, very deeply. So for instance in my own life, I am looking at the 'opinions' of the medical profession, the 'opinions' that they have of the spiritual and the physical. I am also looking at finances, and how best to resolve it, so this new moon, is really about the most important thing to you at this time.

What is it that you would most like to resolve? Focus on that, and find the light within it. What is important, what can bring you the relief that you require, how can you attain it? Heavenly abundance is different to earthly abundance, although much depends on how you view it. What is essential for you and your personhood? You can live without pronouns, you can't live without water and food, and essential services, so make sure that you have your priorities in the right order.

So think deeply now about your choices and where you intent to go in the remainder of this decade. It is a time to ask for divine guidance, to stay in your home, close to friends, family and neighbours that can support you, until you feel ready to move forward with clarity. What is happening on the planet is changing it quickly, and many 'opinions' of people are being swept away.

Some will see the new opportunities and grab them quickly with both hands. the best advice I can give you is yes, we have to be concerned for now, although we also have to be concerned for tomorrow and the world that we leave for our children. Will the world be a better place when you leave it, surely that is a major goal for every person that lives upon this planet and all that you can do is your best, on a daily basis. 

Gavin MacFadyen, the investigative journalist and filmmaker, certainly made a huge impact during his life on our planet. A life so worthy of humanity, a life that inspired people, motivated people and mentored people. Yet, he was known to have a humble heart. Julian Assange also requires extra support now, that his closest friend in London has passed over.

I know what that can be like, when you have worked so closely with someone, when your hearts have been so closely connected, it's like you breathe the same fresh air. When they pass over, a little of you goes with them. Life is never quite the same again, as the memories of your time shared, and what you were involved in together stays with you, in your heart.

Truly, it is a sober decade, with many sobering factors that people are having to integrate into their daily lives. It has been very serious, and that's why it is also important to have laughter in your life too.

Life, love and laughter. 

PS Welcome to our French visitors, in the last month we have had four times the amount of French visits, as we have had from any other nation. 

1 comment:

  1. It's "disgraceful" that Americans spend $8.4BN on the American festival.

    $8.4 BN being spent on the American festival.
