
Monday 10 October 2016

2nd Presidential Debate

During the presidential debate I noticed how TRUMP was standing up and pacing and it reminded me of the verse from Psalm 26. 'I do not sit with the deceitful or associate with hypocrites'. Psalm 26:4.

From my perspective I saw how Clinton vowed to be positive for the people in her communications, then immediately did the complete opposite to what she said that she would do. I also think that sometimes, Trump was too defensive, and should have been more direct in responding to the questions from the audience and moderator.

What I would like to see is a lot more short, sharp, direct responses to the questions,  like he did with some of his great one-liners during the debate. The questions should've been easy to answer and immediate from the heart. In my view, this debate was meant to be more about giving your voice to the people and responding to their concerns. When Trump did give an immediate response to Clinton's Liberal tactical attacks on him, the audience laughed with him.

The war issue is a major one for the Americans, especially as it cost their nation so much, in so many different ways, Clinton cannot defend the Liberal Democrat war effort and what she has been engaged in, even the Pentagon is said to have warned her not to do what she and Obama did.

We are in the Jewish New Year of 5777, and that adds up to 26. Psalm 26, and Isaiah 26.

'The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer", Isaiah 26:21.

The evening prior to the debate there was an art show in Chelsea, NYC and you could view that it links into Isaiah 26. On the wall behind Milo are pictures of some of the people that have died, the blood that has been shed upon the land of America and abroad.

As far as Clinton referring to Americans as 'irredeemable', goodness gracious me, wouldn't Americans choose a person that believes that they are redeemable? It was very clear that Donald Trump feels passionately about his people, and would like to see every American redeemed. To defend all Americans as he would defend his own family.

He has laid down his own life to help America against the career politicians like Obama and Clinton. He has put his own life aside, to do what he can and at his age, that requires immense courage and tenacity. Courage and tenacity he certainly has got.

Feedback from Americans on the second presidential debate. Diamond and Silk share with other Americans that phoned in to give their feedback on Donald's performance. These two women are certainly what I would call 'Angels of Colour', do you remember that painting from earlier in the year?



'Listen to advice, and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's plan that prevails'. Proverbs 19:20-21 

As far as many Americans are concerned they say that Trump won the second debate. However, I say he can do better, and the best is yet to come. He's like the person that does better on the job than in job interviews or exams, he's the kind of person that gives whatever he does, his all.

Sometimes, and in certain circumstances, actions speaker louder than words, that is certainly true in relationships. As far as how he views women, look, he has kept on good terms with his ex-wives, he put his children first, what does that say about the man?

Trump is a man that stands up straight in front of those that have been in political power for a long time.

I think he is correct when he says that their history speaks for itself. At the end of the day, while the Clintons were making war against other nations, Trump was creating jobs, Trump as a winery in Virginia. So is he the bread and wine president with the sweet first lady?

The American people will decide this election with their hearts, just like the people in the UK chose to leave the EU with their hearts that are compelled by love to defend their nation.

People are taking their countries back from career politicians that the LORD said, were the 'bane of your life'. The LORD's plan to help the poor, the compassionate, and merciful, prevails.

Last night the LORD spoke and he said, MALAKHI, the name of a prophet that did give some prophecies about what would happen.

After I had written this post he said, 'IOWA'. Clinton can't campaign in IOWA can she? Some of the people of IOWA are at the Trump rallies and I think I saw that some were supporting the native Americans against the pipeline.

Some Americans believe that 'economic cruelty' is a motivator, it has certainly created more 'cruelty' and 'violence' in America during the Obama-Clinton reign, and Trump is on point when he mentions Chicago. Things seriously have to change in the USA, they cannot go on the way that they have done in the last 30 years.

Feedback from Nigel Farage.

Interesting that Melania, wore bright pink to the debate, the colour of love that I was instructed to wear for the first mission to Israel in May 2006. Trump certainly married some beautiful women, and Melania would make a lovely first lady for America. 

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