
Saturday 10 September 2016


Spread the news that gatherings are being held in the UK, in support of WASPI campaigners on the forthcoming lunar eclipse of "Spirited Energy".

The 1950's women in the UK have been treated differently to women in other European countries. No other country in Europe as created an equalisation pensions law and implementation plan like the UK as - and it is certainly in contravention of human rights law.

It is important that women of all ages and men get involved. As the government plans to extend the age of retirement until the age of 70 for the younger generations. That will apply to both men and women if you allow it to happen.

The National Day of WASPI's local action is on September the 16th, the 'Day of Spirited Energy' and the lunar eclipse. Please spread the news far and wide as it does apply to Psalm 80 and the restoration.

My painting for this eclipse and its energies was the AQUAMARINE and in it I could see the Christ energies. The ring my mother wore, is to be worn again by her daughter. Mother and Daughter that worked so hard during their lifetimes on the planet. Working, bringing up children, looking after their elders and younger members of the families and their friends. We did our best and everything that we could to help others. Now we ask you to help us to attain justice for these women.

Some of these women were inserted with American contraception products and the medical profession even 'destroyed' the medical evidence; so that the women couldn't sue that American corporation for what had been done to them.

These women have forgiven so much during their lifetimes, but now it is time to let it be known, their great deeds and actions, and to arise for love, thy will be done. A person asked do WASPI sting? My reply, some say that they do, if they don't get their human rights.

Justice must be done.

As some people haven't even lived long enough to collect all of the monies that they paid in contributions to a state pension. That applies to both men and women, that paid a fortune into the system. While women are being denied their human rights to food, Vodafone's tax bill of 7BN was written off, and the MP's gave themselves pay increases; while these great women suffer financial injustice and austerity.

Some MP's are happy for these women to work for nothing, to volunteer at their own expense. What planet are they on? Don't you think that we have done enough to help our nation during our lives?

Will the politicians continue until they bleed these women dry, and put them in an early grave, like they did to some of our parents? Truly, enough is enough.

As the Son of Joseph used to sing to his family, friends and nation. "You'll never walk alone". After he passed over prior to retiring with a pension, he said, 'Forget me not'. The taxes and NI that he paid into the public purse was absolutely huge. Yet, he did not live long enough to enjoy any of his retirement with his wife, children and grandchildren.

Other men didn't live long enough to get their pensions either. Travis with the prostate, Will and Bruce with their heart, Keith whose boat was struck by lightening.

Then there was the other Keith that hung himself when he was made redundant, and the CEO David Green that they found on a tree after the police released him following an investigation. The coroner said that David was innocent. All these men worked hard and paid taxes during their lives. Yet what happened to their contributions to our country?

Learn from this, DWP like taking your money from your wages, but they don't like giving it back to you when it is your turn to receive. Instead of helping the people of our once great nation, they write off the tax for billionaires. Look at what has happened at BHS and the pensions of their staff. Did you know that BHS was an American company originally?

Take action now, sign up with a local group so that you can receive regular and updated information.

Speak to everyone about this in your communities.

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