
Friday 16 September 2016


As we know it's an SOS in the NHS as the crisis deepens due to staff shortages, at a time of a population explosion. Why are the general public not asking why over 8,000 British doctors were laid off in the NHS in 2008? They can't even recruit in Australia when the renumeration package, cost of living and quality of life is compared with Australia.

Then with an extra 22BN of cuts being planned by the Conservatives, after they wrote off Vodafone's 7BN tax bill, is it any wonder that the people of our country are getting very cross indeed? I remember when Nigel Farage spoke about diagnosis, and he said that if you can afford it, you are better off to go private for an accurate and speedy diagnosis, as you won't get it in the NHS.

The STP's also mean that A&E opening times are changing too.

'East Midlands MEP Margot Parker has expressed her concerns following the news United Lincolnshire Hospital NHS Trust is considering reducing A&E opening hours at Grantham and District Hospital.
Mrs Parker said: “I understand the great efforts the Trust has gone to while trying to deal with staff shortages, and while I can see why they are considering the drastic step of closing the Grantham Hospital A&E at night it is obviously not a desirable step for them to take.'

What are the media doing about it?

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