
Saturday 3 September 2016


When I was dishing up my food to eat on the solar eclipse 'God Speak' and he said, 'That's my daughter', he was happy that I was doing his will and eating the whitebait, I had made a whitebait salad. I ate it again last night.



Today, I woke up in physical pain, its like a boulder at the base of my spine. I sat in contemplation, and he whispered, TANAKH, Tanakh is translated as 'Teachings, Prophets, Writings'. TNK. It's not the first time that he has said that word, Tanakh.

How does the Tanakh differ from the Christian bible? It differs in many ways, although one of the most important is the difference in the information about the prophets. There are contradictions, an example of that is what is written about Elijah. The NT says that Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah, how can that be possible when it is written that Jesus was transfigured when he saw the Spirit of Elijah and Moses, the two prophets together.

Just as Jesus saw Elijah and Moses, so it was that I saw Jesus and Mother Mary when they appeared before me prior to the war in Iraq, and messages were delivered and shared.

It is written that John baptised with water, and yet the Jewish people know that like Jesus, Elijah healed and worked with a mother and her child.

So what is the difference, the Jewish people know that Elijah brought down the fire, and John the Baptist didn't do that did he? So then that proves that John was not Elijah. For it was foretold that Elijah would come in the last days of the end times. That is why the Jewish people were waiting for Elijah to arrive in Israel. Prophet Isaiah also knew that a person would come from an Island and that the Islands would await the law.

Jesus didn't come from an Island, although King David knew that three people were coming to help Israel. Three different instruments. Jesus being one of those people, because King David was told that one of the three would be born in Israel on his Fathers land and that made David very happy. That a child would be born on Jesses land in Northern Israel.

In the writings of King David we find that he wrote of the person that was foretold first, would come second and it did come to be, and the Israeli's were happy when it did happen as foretold. The scroll of remembrance was written and gifted in May 2006, to this flame of Joseph. For as it is written my dad was the Son of Joseph and Joseph was Jewish.

9th September 2007 

In the words that were shared, the Jewish people knew that 1) A person would be born on the land of Israel.  2) That a different person would be sent to them from abroad. The prophecies foretold where that person would be sent and what would happen afterwards, if the people did not take it to their hearts. Isaiah foretold that the war would come and it did in 2006 after the first mission to Israel, he foretold that the fire would come after that if they still didn't take it to their hearts. It did in 2010, when 5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel at Jewish new year. The facts of what happened is there for everyone to see. Real life events that were foretold by the Jewish prophets.

This singer wrote a song for Lotus, his album began and ends with the Lotus. Is the Lotus found in the scriptures? Yes.

Listen America, enough is enough.



I honour you Edward Watson, thank you for speaking the truth. In that video, Edward calls out BLM.

Shots were close to Jordan's Health, Rochester. One of the children had the name of BARLEY. Condolences to the friends and families of all involved. The name of my Son is Jordan, and he spent a lot of time in Rochester in the UK while he was growing up, spending holiday time with his gran.


The name BARLEY is also biblical.  We have to do what we can to defend the children of our lands, please turn your hearts to the children. In the scriptures it mentions the cost of BARLEY, and the Barley Harvest. Scripture mentions people dying at the first days of the harvest. Just as the barley harvest was beginning. 2 Samuel 21:9

What is the importance of the 3rd September? In numerics it is the 'Day of Breaking the Mould'. 

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