
Tuesday 13 September 2016

Song of Ascents Psalm 121

The Song of Ascents, Psalm 121. A lovely Psalm, and song.

There are some that are supporting the American system and corporations that 'imposed' their systems upon the people of Europe, I have seen what has been done and what people are doing. The American corporations were so successful at extinguishing the lives of their own people, that the same system was introduced to the UK. In the will of God, I have been carrying out my investigation of what has been happening.

There are some people that are defending our people the best way that they know how, and there are some that are not. There are also some that have to be told what has been going on, because they are not in the position whereby it has impacted upon their lives. So now we move forward with the next phase of the divine plan, because our people have been in a serious emergency for at least two years due to what the politicians have done to our country and its people.

The UK is the only country in Europe whereby 'equalisation law' has been introduced to be implemented too quickly. The British politicians saw an opportunity in the EU law to impose it upon the women born in the 1950's, while at the same time giving the corporations tax write-offs.

One of those corporations, Vodafone had 7BN written off, while the poorest of the nation suffer due to 6BN of cuts to help the people. At a time of population explosion, that the EU politicians also imposed upon our people. 

Remember this there is such a thing as 'Righteous Anger', and that is what Jesus experienced during his life. An example of that is when the scriptures speak of the time when he turned the tables over.  

However, during the Rev 12 timeline, divine guidance and teaching was also received in that respect of the experience of 'Righteous Anger',  and how it can be transformed into zealous compassionate action. The power of the flame and the light that appears before you. 

For it is only in integrity of the heart that the light can appear before you, it is only in the light of hope, that the light can emerge to help you. It is only in the power of love that you and others can be enlightened, and it does take a willingness to accept the restoration of your people.

Sometimes, that means calling people out of the comfort zones, sometimes it means that you have to express what they have done and how it is impacting upon your life. Sometimes you have to put your own life on the line and see if they can carry your body. You soon find out who can, and who can't. 

For the LORD did not ask for sacrifice he asked for HESED. There are different ways in which parents can impart HESED to children. Living it is the best way to impart it, living by example because children learn what they live.

If a child has lived with loving kindness, it will always be in their hearts, if a child has lived with compassionate actions, mercy and charity, they will always find it in their hearts. For the soul remembers everything that can preserve it, everything that was imparted to it, by those that did their utmost to preserve the souls of their children, friends, family and nation. 

In the Jesus prophecies it mentions the bridegroom's friends, and what would happen after the bridegroom left. The Son of God, spoke of a future timeline, and how it would impact more upon the friends of the bridegroom after he left, than it would while he was with them, and when that time came his friends would fast. 

How long can a person be a bridegroom for? Is your partner always a bridegroom, or is it for a period of time, as in when the honeymoon period is over. We know scientifically that being in love impacts upon the proteins in the body. I shared that scientific information from the Italians in a manuscript that I wrote in the 90's. 

What the scientists discovered was that after two years, the body goes back to normal. That then gives us a period of time then doesn't it? It's no coincidence that in the 80's, people began to diet in huge numbers.

There was diet fad, after diet fad. I must admit I didn't engage in any of those fads in the 80s' and 90's. Although what I did notice in the 80's and 90's is that there was an incredible spiritual explosion, and spirituality was arriving everywhere. The immensity of the light of it for our nation was wonderful, it was clearly meant to be. 

In the TANAKH and the prophecies of Isaiah fasting is not to do with food, it is a completely different spiritual activity. 

So then might you consider what happened to the friends of the bride when the bride was taken away from her friends.

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