
Thursday 8 September 2016

Psalm 80

On the 6th September I had a dream of the large crest of the wave of the sea, and of a large sea fish as big as a whale that kissed my mother.

She loved to live by the sea and to be able to see the sea from where she lived in Kent with her family. I also worked spiritually on that coastline during my lifetime. I worked both sides of the Thames, we also had time on the River Medway.

It was in the River Medway, that my left foot was cut by a broken glass at the age of seven. The scar under my feet, as in the moon under my feet. in Rev 12. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008.

Then we find the mention of the sea in Psalm 80 and the Psalm speaks of Joseph. Joseph and family spent their holiday time working in Kent where they brought in the vines of hops. Many Londoners and (Chuts) as those Jewish people were known worked the land with their children. That is what the poor families did to make a living. It also took the children of Joseph into nature during the summer holidays.

And so it was that the families carried on spending their holiday time and weekends in that area, like their ancestors did. It was natural for them to do so, to care for the land. After the Son of Joseph passed over, and mum retired in dignity, she moved to the Kent countryside full-time.

Although she still travelled to Spain in the wintertime and spent her winter months sharing with friends and family on the coastline in Spain. She was fortunate to be able to afford to do so prior to Spain going into the Euro.

Prior to the Euro currency, it was cheaper for her to spend her winters in Spain, than it was to live at home on the land of Joseph. In those days, many English people spent their winters abroad and it did help the economy of those southern European countries. Then after the Euro was introduced, many of the elderly could not afford to take those winter holidays anymore and that did impact upon their health too.

Many Europeans moved to southern Europe, for health reasons, not just economic reasons. Many of those Europeans would like to come home, but they can't sell their properties in southern Europe due to what has happened to the economy. I did deliver many financial warnings during the 90's, and warned people about the purchase of property. I recommended that people stay fluid, so that they could move quickly when they chose to do so.

That was something that wisdom knew in business, in the beginning, you have to stay fluid, so that you can adapt quickly, move quickly in line with what is happening in economics of the country, and your business and work life. In the beginning a business can grow quickly, so you have to be able to adapt with it, and move with it. As it requires you to be. I was fortunate that I had large home, so that when the recession happened in the 90's, I was able to move the business home and work from home.

That reduced my overheads, and it was a very profitable time after I had cleared my debts; due to what the recession had created for our people. My gain was invested in people and helping others, it was a mission to help one healer to become a thousand healers. Truly, divine intervention, the Spirit of Grace.

"Its branches reached down as far as the Sea, its roots as far as the River". Psalm 80:11

I was sent to many coastlines, seas, and rivers during my lifetime, including Australia, America, Egypt, Greece, Israel and Italy. They were waiting for my arrival.

Many different countries inside and outside of Europe. Psalm 80 speaks of returning, and locally in recent years, people where I live, people did ask me to return.

Although I don't think they were consciously aware that their request is written in the bible prophecies. A therapist in Scotland said that spiritual people require my guidance, locally, they also asked for the divine guidance. How many times did Jesus return to his people in Israel do you know? And how did they treat him when he did return many times? Did they finally accept him and who he was?

Psalm 80 begins with "Hear us Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock, you who sit enthroned between the cherubim. Shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh".

The people saw my cherubim's in my home in the 90's, although, at that time, I had not studied the biblical texts, and as such, I was unaware of its consequences and implications in a biblical sense.

The last time that an American asked for help, as soon as I asked, for help for him, the head of a large cherubim arrived at the side of my head. I was laying down at the time while making supplication.

In 2015, I placed my healing hands on the head of a young English child that was brought to yours truly, and as I prayed over him, I felt his brain was fine, we ate coconut oil together. He loved the coconut oil, and he was great at taking his flower essences.

The family now have the medical neurological results. His brain is fine, a blessing in my life, a child, the supreme joy of human life. I am looking forward to seeing him, and his mum again, when they come to visit from abroad. A joyful embrace and big hugs and kisses.

As the LORD said, TANAKH.

Today, being the 8th of September, is the 'Day of the Purist' and tomorrow is the anniversary of the second mission to Israel in 2007.  Remember this that children are the supreme joy of human life.

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