
Wednesday 14 September 2016

Israeli Progress

In the recent dream of the Jewish matchmaker it indicated that patience was required due to "difficulties" that will have to be overcome, the dream was received on the 'Day of Fearless Crusader'.

Sometimes "difficulties", can arise because some people move the goal posts. Sometimes it can be due to the fact that you have something to release, due to your body holding onto memories in your sub-conscious.

So for instance, I did encounter some 'difficulties' on the day that the dream was received and something that we had hoped would be resolved, was stopped.

The following day, was the 'Day of Passionate Care' after I had prayed for help I linked into the importance of the the 'Bus' and a timeline related to its memories.  It is to do with 'stopping and starting', and it relates to a time of bereavement, when the Son of Joseph passed over in London.

I was only young, in my 30's, a young mum, that had just passed the driving test, I was on my return from London, and I collided with a London bus that 'started and stopped suddenly'.

I was driving a very small car, a little Renault 5, and the car could have easily gone under the bus. My car ended up going to the garage for repair, due to the huge amount of 'damage' the bus did to my vehicle. At the time of the car crash, I was slowly trying to move into the correct lane, due to the direction that I was going into. So I had just passed my driving test, I had just witnessed my dad die, and then I had a car crash. Its a miracle that I made it home in one piece that day, although my heart was in pieces due to the trauma of it all.

So it is easy to understand why I haven't liked life situations whereby things 'start and stop quickly' due to the 'damage' that it can cause to the lives of the people. My patience has been beyond measure, although grace as been under a lot of pressure, due to it being 'difficult' to eat.

I like this painting with the Saffron. Although I finished up the celery soup today. A special soup for my glands and it included celery, apple, grated carrot, sweet potato, a tomato, baked beans, cream, paprika, and black pepper. It was delicious. Yesterday, I also managed to eat a little herring in a little wrap. I try to keep on my fish intake as much as possible.

I note that Israel are making some progress with their new young female justice minister, sorting things out with social media, including Facebook etc. Best wishes to Ayelet Shaked.

Two more appointments this week, the 14th September, the "Day of Perceptive Critic", and on the 15th, "Day of Mastery".

Then the 16th September, is WASPI Day.


Another appointment on the 20th, the 'Day of the Manager'.  The way things are going, surgery won't happen until October at the earliest. Never mind, all is for a reason, and I shall a green herb salad to eat today, as the weather is very hot in the UK and the heavenly Father likes your truly to eat fresh food that is alive with energy. He especially likes me to eat salads. I have some dill, chives, and tarragon. I also have water cress for my brain.

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