
Wednesday 7 September 2016


In the LGBT party dream received on the 14th August, 2016, the fabric that people were wearing was an important aspect of the dream, not only the fabrics but the colour of it, the colour of mourning.

After that dream, there was the "Transgender" in Turkey, there as been a "CNN reporter", and a 'Gay Astrologer" in Mexico.

Now today in the news is the closure of a club known as FABRIC in London, due to two 'drug-related' passings of young people. The most recent was in August. Club owners in London are concerned that the more clubs that the police force close, the more that clubs will be pushed underground.

They say that would impact upon the amount of effort that is put into help the youngsters and it would cause even more passings.

It is also noted that the club scene has changed a lot, and club owners also note that hotels are being put in their place and they say that it is changing the nature and culture of London's club scene.


The reports also claim that the same as been happening in New York. When real estate is more important than entertainment, and the entertainment venues are closed down. It does make you wonder if real estate developers have been involved in any of these cases in London and New York.

Stay safe everyone.

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