
Monday 19 September 2016



While bathing today a Native American chief appeared before me side on, I could see his profile and his headdress of feathers. He looked like he was wearing white, and then another Native American appeared before me straight on in front of me. Then more natives kept on arriving.

After that I was shown a large tower, like a water tower, and it was a golden colour, it was in the distance and I could see that it had a door, and it also another space cut out of it like a rock shape.

After that I saw a large black door in front of me. It had two metal dome shapes at the base of the door. I asked what was the other side of that door, and I was told that it is for those that go through it.

The door opened, and I walked through. The other side of the door, was brilliant white light. Like the light of the sunshine.

After that I saw green energy, lime green energy, and that always reminds me of David. The lime green like the colour of precious and semi-precious stones.

Afterwards, I thought I better check into see the latest news with the Dakota pipeline, and people are being arrested on their own land. They are also arresting journalists, and reporters. This is a very urgent situation and do you know what? Jesus warned his followers about what would happen, it is written in the scriptures.

When I was sent to deliver messages to Americans, they were told that they must work hand in hand with the native Americans.

These people are defending the water of the country, not just for now, but for the children of the future.

For future generations, you must support and defend the native Americans of Dakota or suffer the consequences. How many times do Americans have to be told?

1 comment:

  1. Eagle Mountain, Utah, a man dressed in lime green outside an elementary school. Allegedly, the bomb suspect is Christopher Craig,
