
Friday 2 September 2016


Chief Investigative Reporter, Lee Stranahan has been in Idaho in America during August, investigating what has been happening in a small town of less than 50,000 people. Local media are not presenting the facts to the people about what is really going on in their communities.

The case includes what is happening to their people, their jobs, and how jobs are being replaced with Muslim immigrants. It also discusses the financial backing and support from where that has come from; for a Turkish citizen that has opened a yoghurt factory in Idaho.

Americans are surely asking why is money being given to a foreign businessman to help him to get rich in our country, while giving jobs to foreigners that he his shipping in. How is that conceivable, how is it even possible? He has a friend in Hilary Clinton and together they have been pushing for higher numbers of immigrants from the middle east to be homed in America. I've heard figures mentioned of over 600,000 planned for arrival in a short space of time.

The Turkish man, Hamad Ulukaya, studied political science at Ankara University, and he has become a billionaire, on the backs of poor Americans that are buying his yoghurt. Lee also discusses the school contract, another contract to help the Turkish man to get richer on the backs of Americans.

What else? TB has increased quickly since the immigrants have arrived in Idaho, Breitbart quote figures of a spike of 500%. So not only does it have financial and job implications, not only does it have American government involvement, it also has vast health implications. What Western nations are finding is that with the immigration, diseases that were eradicated in Western nations, they're now returning with the immigrants.

Can we say, what about your health safety and health security America? Shouldn't the health of your nation be your first priority?

You might be wondering why is this news from Lee in Idaho relevant to the UK? There has been a "Trades Description Act" case against Chobani Greek Yoghurt in the UK due to it being sold in 200 Tescos stores.  Greek Yoghurt is made in Greece, and only yoghurt made in Greece is allowed to label their yoghurt Greek yoghurt. Chobani have been told to re-label their product by the judge. 

It's the same with Greek Feta Cheese and the EU have been involved in that legal determination. 

Ultimately, it is about integrity. Does Clinton have any of that?  If you listen to what Lee has to say, and read the articles about this case on Breitbart's website, you will get a clear idea of what has been going on. If you care about your families, about the health of your communities, about the economic prosperity of your country and people, then you really should be interested in it and take note of it. 

As far as Tesco's is concerned, I rarely go in one, and I wouldn't buy Chobani yoghurt on principle. If I have to choose between Greece and Turkey, I would choose Greece, every time. I also like the original Greek yoghurt that comes from Greece, it is very creamy. A treat in small quantities.  I remember the first time that I ate it while in the Greek Islands prior to it being imported to the UK. 

Although I usually eat Onken, another European yoghurt. 

Milo, another reporter at Breitbart has just returned from his holiday in London, he has written that London has gone, and he doesn't think he will return home again. Although Breitbart do say that they have a London office. 

1 comment:

  1. News today, Chobani owner Hamdi Ulukaya is suing Alex Jones.
