
Tuesday 20 September 2016


On the 22nd October, 2014, I had a dream of Brad Pitt and there was an older woman in the dream that I was telling off, due to what that older woman was doing with Brad Pitt.

Now today, there is news of a divorce over the children due to a disagreement over parenting the children. Did Brad Pitt have prior warning?

His website, it looks like he had been reading what I had been writing.

American Ron Bard passed over on 23rd, of January, 2016. That was the 'Day of Character'.

The announcement of the divorce comes right after the disclosures to do with his charity, (that includes Clinton involvement)  and the previous announcement that his wife had been given a job at the London School of Economics. What else? One news article wrote that his wife has been building a resort in Croatia, and the latest news article says that it is Brad that has been dedicating time to a business project in Croatia.

Brad is determined to fight for his children and they have adopted children together too. Hollywood stars and celebrities should not adopt children from foreign nations, as the likelihood of those stars staying together are so slim. Apparently, Angelina has an issue with his smoking and drinking, and there has been disagreements over parenting, although most people think he is a great dad to their children.

Children certainly need their dads, especially the boys in their teenage years, as they do require discipline that is stronger than most women are willing to give due to trying to keep the peace and everything calm.

Dads are not held back by that, as dads, know that their sons have to become strong men. Only a strong dad can help the male children with that. Although there have been people that have said that Angelina likes to bring up the children gender neutral. Is that normal?

Do not inflict children with what you are Angelina, allow the children to be who they were born to be, and allow the children to experience real life. In a majority of cases, boys are meant to be boys, and girls are meant to be girls. Allow the children their freedom to be with their dad, whenever they choose to be, and whenever it is possible to be. You will not win any friends Angelina, by trying to restrict access to their healthy and talented dad.

Why is this relevant? The election is relevant in America right now.

Remember they both went to Haiti and what is going on now with Haiti and Clinton over the billions that Haiti is owed!

Brad is said to be 'Furious', and he has said of his wife that she has 'Unleashed Hell'. It's clear that a divorce was pending, although it was Angelina that chose to make it a public debate. Our thoughts go out to the children at this time, as no child likes to witness the break up of their parents relationship. 

Although it does prepare them for what is ahead, as relationships don't always work out the way that you would like them too. These children are the centre of the debate and discussions, so turn your hearts to the children, and how they feel about their parents, instead of how the parents feel about the children. Divorce is one of the hardest things for children to go through, it really impacts upon them and their lives the most. Children often feel torn apart by the break-up, their hearts split into two. Although they can adapt and meet the challenge if they are the priority in the lives of their parents.

Seeing Brad with his long blonde hair, reminds me of the dream received on the 15th September, the same day that it is written that Angelina began proceedings.

Brad the Farmer and Winemaker

1 comment:

  1. Cleared as anticipated.
