
Saturday 24 September 2016


The 22nd of September was the Equinox. For yours truly it was a day that I received a dream about putting my signature on some paperwork, that I was reluctant and refusing to sign. Straight after that charity arrived with a large bag of food.

That was interesting as I've received at least two dreams about that person in recent years and one of those dreams was in an area were we recently bumped into each other again. It's fascinating how often how paths have crossed during our lifetimes. The LORD loves justice. Isaiah 61.

So my Equinox was charitable and merciful in 2016, a time for receiving, in my life cycle in a year of spiritual transformation. As I prepare for intense weeks and months that are coming on a health level with both surgery and the healing process afterwards.

I even did some washing and ironing last night, and that cleared some space. So there as certainly been a shift in the energies, as I clear my space as much as possible for the time ahead. The next three months is certainly a time for the homebody in my life and phase of it.


Mystic, Robert Wilkinson also gave his feedback on the good to come in his article on the autumnal equinox and October, November, and December.

The weather is still quite mild in the UK, and the sun is still shinning. I do like sunny autumns and winters.

What smoothies am I having this week? I am still having my lilac smoothie with apples, bananas, black and red grapes depending which ones that I have. I also felt compelled to have some more kiwis, a fresh pineapple and a lime.

What soup am I having? Carrot and fresh coriander with sweet potato.

Still having my watercress, although it has to be eaten quickly, as it doesn't last long freshly. I also had fresh coriander salads, and last night it was with Brie and mustard herring. Balsamic vinegar and groundnut oil.

Keep on getting reduced mushrooms for ten pence, so having lots of garlic mushrooms cooked in butter and garlic. Also had the mushrooms with aubergine and tomato on the equinox, it was delicious with garlic and paprika. I do like aubergines very much. Aubergine will be great to have after the surgery too. So tasty.

For lunch yesterday I had fried eggs, baked beans, mushrooms and tomato with a couple of slices of brown bread and butter. I certainly have a varied diet, and eat as healthy as I can. Making sure I receive the appropriate and essential nutrients, when I have an appetite. I don't get concerned when my appetite is switched off, I am just allowing the body to do what it must for the dynamic self-healing system.

There is only one man that called yours truly "Adorable", when I told him that I loved him. Bless him, he likes cooking very much. I also remember what Jesus said, when I was sitting on the bus, he drew close to me, and he said, 'You are gorgeous', I wasn't quite anticipating that, although I knew that he could see inside my heart.

He always seems to deliver the right messages at the right time, sometimes directly, and sometimes through others, like when he said, 'You have beautiful eyes', I was reminded of that today, and who said it. He knows that I can see things that others can't.

I've also thought of the man that said, 'You have no idea how powerful you are'. As life goes by it is easy to forget isn't it, who you are and where you have been to help others. As Jesus said, 'Never forget who you are'.

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