
Saturday 3 September 2016

16th September, Spirited Energy

Lunar eclipse coming on the 16th of September, that is the 'Day of Spirited Energy'. Barbara mentions, 'Love Me Tender', and that aligns with the more tender that you are with your body, the more tender and gentle your body will be with you.

I notice that the more physical activity that I engage with, the more painful my body is. Hence, physical activity, does impact upon it in this phase of my life; while I sort out the health issues that are impacting upon my body. Teshuah.

In the painting that Barbara shows you in her video there is a lot of green energy, so you can anticipate some major news to do with Clinton around the time of this eclipse. As her code name is 'Evergreen'.

Truly, the Christians are in action in America and in other parts of the world. Just because a person is a Christian, doesn't mean that they go to church. For there are many people who are Christian in their hearts, there are many Spiritual Christians throughout Europe.

Hence I view the Spirited Energy being associated with the Christians, I also view it in alignment with the truly Spiritual in different cultures and realms.

Today, the LORD spoke of TANAKH again, TNK, so we can anticipate some revelations from the Jewish people too, they also eat their fish.

I am compelled to look at the Saros numbers of the eclipses, to see how that relates to the planetary configurations and activity.

So I will look at that next. We know that the sun and the moon are mentioned in the scriptures, we also know that it is mentioned in the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' and other ancient texts. No surprise then in the ancient treasures of Ireland, they also have golden lunar and solar disks, do archeologists connect these ancient treasures with the eclipses that impact upon the planet, and or their importance in ancient literature, manuscripts, texts?

Interesting that the word SAR is in Saros and SAR is a Hebrew word, and one of its meanings, and translations is governor. The Spirited energy of the governor.

The numeric of 16 is the numeric that links into Rev 16 and the politicians, so we can anticipate some news from France. 16 is also the numeric of the tower that was struck by lightening and there is certainly a lot of that going on. In the UK, there are strikes in the medical profession over what is happening to health and the NHS.

September being the ninth month, is also a numeric of divine love and completion. My second mission to Israel was in September in 2007. Hence it is an anniversary month for yours truly of divine intervention.

The date of the 16th in a year ending with 16, so a lot going on with extra energy upon it. In America, Trump is definitely on it, big time, he hasn't stopped. He's doing fantastic for his age. Actress Susan Sarandon is standing with the Native Americans over the pipeline, thank you Susan. Spirited energy. This is the timeline when you see who is really on it, and who is putting in the effort to help their people.

Yesterday, I saw turquoise energy, on my left, and that always reminds me of the native Americans, although I did send some turquoise to a blessed one last year. He knows who he is. Turquoise is for spiritual transformation and 2016, is a year of spiritual transformation for yours truly. As I am in an 8 year of my life cycle.

This painting was for the solar eclipse, I shall paint again for the lunar eclipse and then update this post.

Link says that this eclipse will be able to be seen in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

NASA says that it is a SAROS, 147. That numeric adds up to 12, the Apostles and months of the year. The saros ends in 7 and 7 links into the lifespan of the spiritual teachers.

The gematria of 147 gives us SAMUEL, SHIN, and the SHIN symbol appeared before me at the end of August.

It gives us Obama's code name, 'Renegade' and he has been supporting Clinton, whose codename is 'Evergreen'. Streisand who sang the song Evergreen, as also said that she would leave the USA if Trump is elected.

My response to that is - that Israel would love to have her live permanently in Israel, so maybe its time for her to make her move. Truly, I wouldn't live on the edge of a cliff like she does. I like Streisand, the singing voice of the 20th century, but seriously, how can she possibly support Clinton after what the Clintons have been involved in? Perhaps she should ask herself, did Clinton stand in integrity, did Obama, does she?

Who did those two people save during their lifetimes? Clinton and Obama caused a calamity for their own nation and the nations of others, remember Libya everyone? Clinton wouldn't give her people free education, free homes and healthcare like the Libyan leader did would she? Nor did Cameron or Theresa May. All they were interested in was increasing the financial sector with the insurance policies. The Son of Joseph didn't like insurance policies for good reason, he knew that the underwriters keep on moving the goal posts.

Just like the Conservatives moved the goal posts with the pensions. Most poor, and working people can't afford to save up for extra pension, over and above the state pension, due to it being so hard to earn a living to support the cost of living.

In the UK, they're now telling 40 year olds that they will have to work until their 70 years old, before they will receive their pensions. Governments like taxing people, they don't like paying out what's due, it will cause a civil war in the UK, unless they change their ways quickly. Anti-Establishment parties are arising all over Europe. The little people have seriously had enough.

147 also gives the word 'Mashiah', and 'Fatima', and 'Fatima' links into Portugal with the 100th anniversary next year. The 'Goldfinch' bird, and 'A Sign'.

The Twittering Goldfinch, so more news from Twitter than. Funny, this is an English Goldfinch. 'TeLLit-TeLLit-TeLLit', the sound of the Goldfinch. The Goldfinch is associated with John the Baptist and St Jerome. It is written that in biblical times it was a warning bird. Although it is also a symbol of endurance, fruitfulness and perseverance. It's a powerful emblem for the animal healers and those that are connected with nature.

The lunar eclipse is in Pisces and my Venus is in Pisces, so it will be interesting what transpires for yours truly. My surgery has been postponed for now, I anticipated that with the mercury retrograde, so we will see when the next appointment is. I also have a major decision to consider and I will contemplate upon it, and ask the LORD his will for me. What he would like me to do about it.

For England is the land of Joseph, and his Son, Joseph is mentioned in Genesis 49. 'The Almighty that blesses you, with blessings of the skies above, blessings of the deep springs below, blessings of the breast and the womb. Your Father's blessings are greater than the ancient mountains, than the bounty of the age-old hills'. 

Interesting how much the quantity of "goldfinches" have increased since 2002, surely an excellent sign.

"The increase in the UK goldfinch population has been dramatic. According to the BTO, it increased by about 80% between 2002 and 2012".


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