
Wednesday 17 August 2016

WINDS of LOVE Painting


The paint has been spread for a person and it began with the eclipse energies, as I began to spread the paint linking into the energy for the soul of the person.  I was going to call it 'The Eclipse', and then as I was taking a photograph of it with the computer, Jesus spoke and he said, 'Winds of Love'. So then if we look at the painting with that in mind, we can see the winds on either side coming through into the third eye. I see the spiritual energy above and below.

The centre has a richness about it, and there is a strong link with St Francis of Assisi, as in seeing life as he saw it.  As in seeing life through the eyes of a saint. While painting I could see four fishes, golden wheat, a crop of gold, the harvest time. A fire and passion that has been covered in the most delicate of petals, like feathers, the petals are feathery.  The fishes are actually easier to see in the photograph, than in the painting itself close up.

It has a brightness about it, as in the Christian hymn, all things bright and beautiful, and beauty in the eye of the beholder. I think this eclipse is powerful for the winds of love for this person. There is so much colour in it, so much positive energy being given with it. Its very powerful, and I do think there are major changes happening on many different levels of being. There is an opening to attend, although you have to be very, very precise to see it. All the spiritual help is being sent with these winds of love.

'He makes winds his messengers, and flames of fire his servants'. Psalm 104:4 Only love, loves the winds of love. The incoming eclipse energies. Interesting that the Saros 109 is the last in a series, and the last 109 was in August 1998. The gematria for the 109 Saros links into Magdalena and Milo and as we know, Magdalena gave healing to Jesus, the Hebrew gematria is also about being bright. So we have both the feminine and the masculine energies together in this painting. 

As from the golden crop the bread of life is given. In ancient times in Israel, they broke the bread, then poured the red wine over it and ate it. It was symbolic of the feminine and masculine energies together. 

1 comment:

  1. Feedback from the Equality Commission, what took them so long? The article is titled, 'Being Black in Britain Is like being in another world'.
