
Sunday 21 August 2016


Following on from the last post about the "transgender case",  let us take a look at what is happening in Turkey with the "transgender" community. In these videos they share their stories.

They share how its almost impossible to get a normal job in Turkey if you are "transgender", so they don't have a choice in the matter. Many of them admit that they are activists.

"What is your occupation?"

In the teachings of Jesus he spoke of the importance of giving them healing. As I write this, he says, 'They are troubled souls'. So what does the scripture say? He spoke about the miracles and judgement day, and what would happen in northern Israel at Capernaum. Matthew 11:23. Do you remember that northern Israel was being bombed from Lebanon in 2006? They were pre-warned while I was in Israel prior to it, as I had been shown that the Arabs were coming upon Israel. 

In Matthew 10:14-16, he speaks about the healing again, and gave advice to his healers that he sent. Matthew chapter 19:2, 'For there are eunuchs that were born that way, and there are eunuchs that were made eunuchs by others - and there are others who choose to live as eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this, should accept it'. 

Prophet Isaiah also gave a prophecy for the last days of the end times and it is written, 'Let no eunuch complain that I am only a dry tree'. Isaiah 56:3-5 The prophecy indicates that they don't have to be 'sex-workers' in Turkey or anywhere else.

Isaiah 56 mentions foreigners. 'Let no foreigner that is bound to the LORD say "The LORD will surely exclude me from his people". The prophecy indicates that they have to do the will of God, and choose what pleases God. The prophecy says that they have to hold fast to the covenant.

They can apply for asylum due to the "persecution" that they experience in Islamic countries. However, healing is essential for these souls, as it is written, so it must be. How many healers and miracle workers have worked with any transgender people? It was in the 90's that a transgender person was first brought into my life to help him.

He was working locally although he came from Yorkshire. A Yorkshire lad, we had some fun times and spiritual adventures together prior to him coming out.  I shared with him that I would still love him and his soul, whatever form he chose to be. I gave him as much reassurance, and my love that heals.  Divine guidance was given and he did become a Reiki healer and we worked with the Reiki healing together.

Although I shared with him the immense difficulties that he would face if he chose to make the change fully. He did go forward with it, and the last time I spoke to him, he had changed his mind and stopped the "transgender transition" treatment.

Its especially difficult for them if there is partners and children involved. After they've made the change, they find their lives have insurmountable difficulties to overcome, it impacts on everything, and their ability to work and earn a living. Even in the UK, and other European countries, it is not easy for these people and Turkey is not a European country. 

Every soul requires healing, every soul requires love, and healing is the path of salvation. Divine love is the food that feeds the soul. The book of Revelation also mentions Turkey, and it calls Turkey out. 

Are there any Turkish Jewish people in Turkey? This link says there are only 17,300 Jews left in Turkey. A decade earlier it was 20,000.

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