
Friday 19 August 2016

Sprat Catches Mackerel

How did you feel when you woke up today? I felt like getting things done, thinking about what I would like to do today. Do you have the moon under your feet, as does the wondrous woman from heaven? Rev 12 was completed in December 2008. What does that have to do with now? 

Right at the end it overlapped with Rev 13 and the US election, and again America is in the timeline of a presidential election. Whistleblowers, Julian Assange, Milo lava, its all happening on the Western front as people present the facts about what Clinton has done the last 30 years. 'Angels of Colour' are arising, they've had enough of the democrats and Liberals in America. 

Angels of Colour 

Then there has been the launch of the 'Young British Heritage Society', and that has to be good for the UK, they will be very busy bringing forth some reality checks. In many ways, its beyond politics and or either side, its beyond male or female, it is about plain economics both sides of the fishing pond. 

The fishes can be a bit wishy, washy, over financial issues, its like the fisherman that catches to many fish, and then wonders why there is not enough fish left to catch. Interesting that the fisheries were an important aspect in the run-up campaign to the referendum and some people are getting tetchy, our people wish to leave the EU, its not just a wish list either, our people are determined that it will happen.

Then there is the parable of the net, and selecting the best fish and getting rid of the rest. From what I heard yesterday, the sifting by the angels is still going on, and people are ejecting themselves from people and their realities. I do think there is a bombshell coming for the NHS and Theresa May in the UK. 

Interesting that our waters are full of mackerel, isn't there a saying about the mackerel? Give them a sprat to catch a mackerel? Then the sharks come after the mackerel, and so it goes on. I like smoked mackerel do you?

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