
Saturday 20 August 2016


This article about the NHS from the Spectator Magazine made me chuckle. Especially when the journalist reports that you have to threaten to jump off a bridge to get any attention.

It reminds me of when I saw the health care staff that work for one of those sub-contractors, and she said, 'You have to shout louder, those that shout the loudest and most often get the attention'.

Its not funny though is it, when we spent our lives paying for a service, that is almost impossible to attain. 6-7 years for an MRI scan, over 58% of patients don't have any access to neurological services.

And don't get me started on the call centres, that then put you through to a different department to the one that you asked for at DWP. Or the GP's surgeries that don't answer the phone 15 minutes prior to closing. Then when you do get to speak to the surgery during the day time, the secretary says she will ring you back in a day or two, then a week later, still waiting. Seriously, you couldn't run a business like they run the NHS in the 21st century.

Is it a surprise that a lot of people just give up, and the health of the nation is decreasing with the demise of the NHS due to privatisation? Our healthcare and nation will end up like America, if people don't seriously stand up and put a stop to what the Conservatives are doing to the healthcare of the nation.

Anyway, this is the article from the Spectator. Enjoy!

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