
Thursday 4 August 2016


Last night I responded to the social network about the Muslim man that was involved in the DNC. As I went onto the thread I was given the name 'Violet'. We looked at the different realities of 'Violet', and when Obama was elected, Oprah referred to the Liberal Democrats as the 'Purple Party' and said that America had gone colour purple. I saw that there were locations in North America with the name of 'Violet'.

One of the realities of VIOLET was a location where I worked a few times in London providing workshops and the song that Seal recorded called 'Violet' was recorded in 1991 at Church Studios. Another lovely location. However, I also grew up in Camden, London, and there has been another event in Russell Square, London near the Imperial Hotel, where I also worked with my mother.

After I saw the news about the event, I saw a white smoke signal in energetic form on my right and that always reminds me of the Native Americans and their smoke signals.

An American woman has passed over in Russell Square, due to what has happened in that location.

News reports say that the man was Somalian, another 'knife attack', and five people have been injured in addition to the woman that passed over. May the people that have been injured make a speedy recovery, and peace be with America. Condolences to the family and friends of the elderly American woman.

As far as the Somalian man is concerned, the police are saying that there is some health issues; and we all know that the people in this country are suffering due to what the NHS and its clinical commissioning groups are doing and have done with the privatisation. It makes you wonder what pharmaceuticals they had given to that young Somalian.

In Ghana the Muslims 'chain up' those that they consider to have health issues, is that compassionate and merciful? We cannot condone such 'violence' wherever it is found.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. The Clinton regime didn't improve the lives of the Native Americans did they? Nor the Libyans, or the Syrians. How about the Somalians in Somalia? Surely, if Somalia was allowed to be prosperous, they wouldn't wish to come to the UK.

However, that doesn't suit the American corporations does it, nor their economic hitmen. Russell Means was correct about America in his words about it. His memory lives on as a reminder to all.

Do you remember how Somalia was split into two? Half for the Muslims and half for the Christians? I have seen that some people in America are asking for the same to happen in the USA. No BLM, the first nation comes first, and all lives matter, most importantly, the lives of the Native Americans.


The smoke signals, a language of the Native Americans, some refer to it as the Sky language. The smoke signal a bridge between the Earth and the Sky. [1]The smoke from the peace pipe is also seen as white smoke, and the peace pipe is also associated with white buffalo calf woman.

To the Native Americans to see a smoke signal can signify that everyone is on notice that the prayers of the people are travelling to the Great Star nation to be heard. When you see a smoke signal it means that there is clear intention.

It can indicate that people must 'Walk Your Talk', Another message and reminder from the Spirit World, and clear intention brings rewards on all levels. Pay attention, give it your utmost attention, and purest intention. Remove the barriers to decisive action, self-liberate and liberate the love.

On the 17th July, 2016, Camden, London was featured on this blog, it was a response to BLM, that England is not America, London, let it be.

The 3rd August was the 'Day of Quest' in numerics.

Have you ever seen ectoplasm manifest? In the 90's my son and I saw it throughout the house we lived in. I had been to dinner and when I came home there it was, smoke everywhere. I asked my son, can you see that? He said, yes Mum, its smoke. I looked everywhere to see what was causing it, all the electrical appliances were fine.

I realised then that it was what was known as ectoplasm, it was Spirit manifestation. A man that I had been introduced to at that time said that is was the angels that had arrived in my home. Around that time, I also saw him and I on the plains of America. We were overlooking the plains, we had experienced a native American life together and it was a powerful connection between us.

1. Source: Author, Jamie Sams, Sacred Path

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