
Tuesday 30 August 2016


Today another Hebrew script appeared before my eyes. The Shin that is described as looking like teeth in the ancient Hebrew pictographs. The year of change. What's also interesting is that we have the word 'Shin' in English to do with anatomy. As I am sitting in the right hand corner of my lounge, that is where the Shin appeared. It was this room that was changed, and all of the decorations were 'destroyed', when a new heating system was put into my home. Those that did it - refused to take responsibility to put things right. So then we have to look at human rights in this matter.

In this video it says that the Shin is to do with GRACE, and grace certainly is involved in communications. The Spirit of Grace and the Supplications. A spiritual friend understood yours truly, she always knew when grace was under financial pressure while I was bringing up my son, running my own business, and doing my utmost to run a home too. She knew how relaxed I am as a person when everything is fine and I was able to provide. I was what was known as the bread winner.

You can find yourself in different phases of your life, whereby you are providing for people in different ways. I went from providing financially for my own realities and helping others with my financial resources; to providing spiritually to help sustain people in different ways. Spiritual sustenance was provided by the Spirit of Grace and it did include communications and providing it.

So I can see the connection with the fire and the heating, and why the Shin would appear in front of me. Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame. It is often the case that when Hebrew script appears before me, it appears in the form of the symbol of the ancient pictographs. These symbols have been appearing before me on a regular basis now, and usually close to the walls or actually on the walls. Especially in my white healing room that is nearly finished.

The most recent symbol appeared on my right hand wall, and that was the Zayin. Now on the other wall, the Shin appears. The Spirit of God is putting symbols on each of my walls.

I view the Shin like a gate, as it looks most like a gate to me. If you turn the script for the Shin the other way up, does it remind you of the tonsils? Now what impact does removing your tonsils have upon your oral health, do you know?

We also know that teeth are connected to all of the other systems in the body, and I have made numerous blog posts on these connections.

When symbols appear before yours truly, it is always a pleasant surprise, Spiritual energy manifesting before my very eyes, giving a message to convey, and further confirmation to focus on health. We are on the right track. The Spirit of God communicates through visions, dreams, symbols, and when he speaks directly to you. And the message received yesterday was 'God Speak'. Symbols are also mentioned in the scripture as being a sign for Israel. Spirit have always communicated with symbology, and that is why it is important for people to comprehend spiritual symbology. 

Isaiah 8:18 'Here I am, and the children that the LORD has given to me, we are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion'.

As the LORD said, 'They must hear your voice', I made that phone call today, to chase up the neurology appointment. Two weeks they had to return my call, when they said that they would call back in a couple of days. Neither did they respond to a message that I left on their AP chasing it up.

How many times do we have to speak? How many times do we have to speak to get action? Health Watch didn't phone back either, these are the people that are involved in the health of our people.

Seriously, you couldn't run a business the way that the NHS corporation is run. In my younger years I did say that I would grow old gracefully, although at that time, I didn't associate it with communications or my health. I had been prepared for any eventuality, and also to overcome any obstacle in my way, so I never really saw my own health as an issue in my elder years. I viewed it that whatever happened, I could overcome it. As I had overcome so much during my life, as my graceful gran used to say, 'where there is a will, there is always a way' and her words always stayed in my heart.

It's interesting how different people view the word 'Grace' and how in it's English form, it has an ace in it. The ace of communications, God Speak, the grace of communications.

So many hidden messages, that can be seen by those that have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to understand. Truly, the LORD Almighty knew how to counteract the plans of man. The doves are fluttering outside my door in the tree where there is a large branch. The sunshine is shinning brightly.

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