
Monday 29 August 2016


The annular solar eclipse on the 1st of September, 2016, is a Saros 135. It will be visible over parts of Africa, (including Madagascar)  and the middle east this link says.

I met a lovely young couple from Madagascar at a healing exhibition in 2000. They had brought some lovely crystals with them to help pay for their spiritual journey to England. A cloudy 'Rock Quartz' Madagascar, beautiful, I still have it, the Masters Crystal that sat perfectly in my right hand, to remind me of you, and the power of crystals to unite people. It was like having a friend with me, a powerful friend filled with healing love. Beautiful to hold and to touch.

I view this solar eclipse as being important to health, as there is so much going on with health around the world. From the native Americans defending their water resources in Dakota, to the Australians campaigning to stop the fracking of their land.

To land and property assets being sold off with another 22BN of cuts to the NHS in the UK being signed off in October. The environment and health, the impact of the environment on health too.

South Africa is also known to have a large and vibrant spiritual community. After America, it is the UK, then Germany in Europe. After that South Africa and Australia. As we know, it is mainly the spiritual community that take notice of the eclipses, when they happen, and where. Interesting that in my astrocartography chart South Africa is one of the countries that appears in it for love relationships and I certainly had a strong connection with the milky rock quartz from South Africa.

Bible wheel say that the gematria for 135 in Greek is 'Glory', and earlier this month the 'King of Glory' Psalm was shared on this blog. Psalm 24. So we are certainly aligned with this eclipse on the 1st of September, 2016. It's the Hebrew gematria of 'Hand Hold', and I had a dream of a man holding my hand recently, and taking me to a party. The gematria of 'Renee', and also 'Dedicated'.

It's also the gematria for 'Disabled' and that aligns with a prophecy about the 'lame' and how the LORD will make the lame his remnant, that he will save the lame.


Countrywise, the numeric of 135 as the gematria of France. What has China been doing in Africa?


What else do we have on the numeric? Bill shares with us that it relates to the 'Winnowing Fan'.

'The Winnowing Fan', is actually a Greek spiritual philosophy. I did write an article about it once upon a time; due to the different biblical translations. I found word studies a fascinating journey of discovery to enjoy. So too the journey with numerics and gematria.

The message that I received after I posted the above was 'God Speak'. Then when I checked the news, actor Gene Wilder has passed over. RIP Gene.

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