
Saturday 20 August 2016


The Obsidian painting is in a surround of golden flames of fire and I was focussing on a particular person while painting it. As the obsidian came to be made. As it is written, he makes his winds of love his messengers and his flames of fire his staff. 

The picture below is taken by the computer and it is a real obsidian that I have had since the mid 90's.  Its an obsidian sphere for the tender and gentle hearted. It is written that it is incredibly powerful and very few clairvoyants can actually work with it. I also have a white stone, a white sphere, and they sit side by side. The white sphere is Selenite and that was brought home from Assisi, in Italy.  

Interesting that when the light is on the obsidian, you can see the blue in it, although some of it does have a white wispy sheen to it. I bought it from a gemologist that specialised in our locality. It wasn't until 2007, that Jesus spoke of the lava, and he spoke of what would happen when the LORD was ready to spill the beans and pour out the lava. 

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