
Friday 12 August 2016

Mother and Baby Dream

In my dream this morning I was making an intervention to stop a woman with dark hair from hitting a baby boy. I stepped into her reality to stop her doing what she was doing, for 'violence vexes the Spirit of God'. It doesn't only impact upon a child's physical health, it impacts upon their brain, even dental pain as been found on brain scans. Divine intervention.


When Audrey Hepburn saw what was happening to Jewish children in her country that was occupied by Germany, it impacted upon her whole life. She wrote that she was just a child herself when she saw Jewish children being put upon the trains.

She described herself as an introvert, and after reading her bio it is easy to comprehend why. Its worth reading her profile and words about her life experiences during WW2.

Due to her experiences, Audrey did her best to make interventions to help mothers and children during her life; and she did a lot of work for UNICEF. Audrey was certainly graceful, elegant and an important humanitarian during her life on the planet. The films that she chose to appear in also tell a story.

In Zechariah 12:10 'And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one who mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a first born son.'

In my humble view, Zechariah 12:10 overlaps with Micah 4 and in Micah 4 it mentions the perishing of a king. David is the name of a king. David came into my life in 2002, and he passed over in 2013. The mission to Israel was in 2006, and in Jerusalem in Israel in 2007, David was fully aware of the missions that had been divinely given. May he rest in peace. 

Micah 4 also mentions the mission to America. I read yesterday that a European forum that had American moderators are being censored, no surprise really, they did their utmost to censor yours truly, my posts and my pics. The Son of God understood the spiritual law, what you give comes back to you, 30, 60 or 100 times. It is the spiritual law of giving. 

What else? If you cross reference the 'piercing' with other scripture, the 'piercing' is mentioned in relationship with the 'liver', and David Bowie passed over with a liver condition after having surgery. The people certainly did mourn for David Bowie.

Although they also mourned in 2006 as Prophet Isaiah had foretold they would, if they didn't take it to their hearts. He also foretold that if they still didn't take it to their hearts after the war came, the fire would come next. It did after the sign of Jonah arrived in Israeli waters in 2010.

5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel the same year, after Michael passed over, again they mourned. Michael defended Israel yet, no help was given to him to help him to live and all of his services had been cut off, and he had no food. Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel, and the American police did not investigate when asked to do so.

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