
Sunday 14 August 2016


A couple of days ago I found some gala apples from Brazil that had been reduced to ten pence. Five apples that works out at 2 pence each. So I made a new smoothie today. One gala apple, one banana, (the bananas were 25 pence) some raspberries from the freezer with some fresh milk. Delicious. I'm not a big apple eater, so drinking apple is one way around it and it came out a lovely soft pink.

I will have another one of those smoothies today for nutrients, and see what else I can do with the apples. I like a traditional English apple crumble, although I don't have an oven at the moment. So I have to think about what I can cook in the pan with the apples. Amazing isn't it that England is apple country, yet we are shipping in apples from Brazil.

Do you remember apple fritters that we used to be able to get at the local markets? They were really lovely, a fritter with a slice of apple in it. At school we used to stuff apples with sultanas and bake them. I like red cabbage cooked with apple, onions, garlic and cider. Although I quite fancy a curry today. I have the apples, onions, some mushrooms, sweet potato, and plenty of other vegetables in the freezer.  So it looks like its going to be a vegetable curry today. Have a great day.

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