
Sunday 14 August 2016


This morning I had a dream and Milo Yiannopoulos was in the dream, he was holding my left hand affectionately. Even when I tried to slip my hand out of his, he held onto my left hand again. Milo likes holding hands, heart to heart. As we were walking together, I asked Milo about the locations that gay people go to in London, and I shared about the location and club that used to be called, 'Heaven'.

Then after that we were in a venue, it was a gay party, everyone was dressed in black, people were dancing, standing, and sitting. Some outfits were see-through with shorts underneath, some were lace, and all of the outfits looked long, and quite theatrical, like when you see people wearing top hats. Some of the people were wearing hats too and everyone was having fun. Then the dream ended.

In dream interpretation to ask questions in a dream is an omen of good luck. However, if you see the colour black in a dream, the colour black is the opposite, and can be 'unfavourable'. Black is a funeral colour, a colour of mourning, although if the party was after a funeral or another appropriate situation, it can forecast difficulties to be overcome.

In dream interpretation a party can also signify 'mixed-fortunes', 'good news, bad news,' and 'contrary' situations, especially in social matters. It is considered to be more fortunate to dream of going to a party than to dream of giving a party.


In dream interpretation caressing hands are a sign of sincere love and the left hand can indicate small difficulties to be overcome. The right hand can indicate carefree joy. Clean hands can indicate satisfaction in life. After I had this dream, and wrote up the information about the dream, I went to get a video of Milo to share. Interesting that in the video above he is talking to Eric Prince the Blackwater founder, and Milo also mentions having a party of people wearing 'black'. That's no coincidence.

To dream of lace or garments made of lace signifies unusual popularity with the opposite sex, and or success in love. It indicates that the gay community are getting a lot of support in the last days of the end times. Especially when they live truly in the will of the heavenly Father.

In the Song of Songs it mentions a man with wavy hair, that is as black as a raven. The true colour of his hair and Greek parentage. And in the words of Jesus he said, 'Do not swear an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is God's throne, or by the earth for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem for it is the city of the Great King'. Mathew 5:34-35 

Interesting the book of Judges mentions BETH MILLO, the name of a location and there is also a MILOS Greek Island. It is written that the location of Beth Millo was close to SHECHEM.

Jesus spoke of the Great King and in the Psalms it mentions the LORD is the Great King, the LORD is awesome. The Great King over all the earth. Psalm 47:2 Mount Zion, the city of the Great King. Psalm 48:2.

Please hold him close. 

A made a new smoothie today, so I shall call it the milo smoothie. I managed to get some apples that were reduced to 10pence. So my smoothie as one gala apple, one banana, some raspberries straight from the freezer with some fresh milk. Delicious. I'm not a big apple eater, so drinking apple is one way around that.


  1. First there was good news about Milo doing a presentation in London at the launch of Young British Heritage Society. Then today some different news from Barcelona, in Spain. An American TV Producer was on vacation with friends. He was just 34 years old. People are still waiting for more information about Matt Null and what happened to the young man. The cause has not been divulged. Why not? Condolences to his friends and family.

  2. There has been the case in Turkey with the "Transgender", then the "Gay Astrologer" in Mexico, and now the club scene is being impacted upon. The name of the venue is FABRIC, due to a 'drug-related' passing in August. Club owners are concerned that the more clubs that are closed, the more it will push clubbing underground, and that will impact on the amount of effort that is put into help the youngsters.

  3. Two more Americans, this time Transgender comedian and Transgender Actress. Lady Chaplis was age 49, and Alexis Arquette was 47. The news article say that Robert became Alexis, and then Alexis changed back again. In one of the photos the person looks like Milo with the same white hair.
