
Thursday 25 August 2016


I think we can anticipate some disclosure from the Prince camp before the election. As the LORD said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'. 

The musicians and singers delivered some powerful messages to the people and their fans. He makes winds of love his messengers, and flames of fire is staff. 

In the Richard Branson article published by the Daily Mail, they wrote that "the establishment are petrified", yes, like "petrified wood", they can't grow anything on that wood can they? As the LORD said, 'Tap on wood'.

Nigel Farage spoke in America at a Trump rally at Jackson. Nigel said he wouldn't vote for Hilary Clinton if you paid him, nor would he vote for Clinton even if she paid him. 

Julian Assange is also about to release more significant information about Clinton, and there is going to be another referendum in Hungary, in October. Love thy will be done. 

1 comment:

  1. First news in from the family is that his home and recording studios will be open for tours. Paisley Park estate to be opened to the public as a museum of his life and legacy.
