
Wednesday 3 August 2016

Clinton Email Investigation

There is certainly plenty of disclosure happening in America over the Clinton emails and Assange plans to disclose even more.

Clearly, a Clinton regime provides 'no security' for America or for anyone else. It looks like the internal 'threat' posed by Clinton, that was the co-creation of men, women and children dying is over.

We knew that Obama was pushing for war against Libya, although Clinton was also involved in it as disclosed by Assange. This video is some of the investigation into the Clinton emails with a Director of the FBI that has to justify his actions to the people.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy, Clinton provided 'no security', and 'no mercy' for either America, Libya or Syria. I have 'no sympathy' for Hillary and there shall be 'no compromise' with the Clintons. Also remember that Obama struck Pakistan four days into his presidency, and we were forewarned that he would do it at Chinese New Year. He did exactly as had been forewarned in 2008.

I remember in 2010 when Clinton was doing high fives in Turkey, then afterwards the top military brass walked out. The Turkish military brass knew what Clinton-Obama was involved in. Did Obama win the second election fair and square? It has been proven that he didn't, we have videos of what was happening at the voting booths due to it being filmed.

Biblically, Obama was only meant to be in office for one term, Rev 13 when wisdom was called to do the count. Rev 12 overlapped with Micah 4 and Micah 4 includes America. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008. However, it was in 2007, that Jesus spoke about the LORD spilling the beans when he was ready to do so, and how a lava would come when he did.

Collections of Obsidian in North America. Interesting that there was black in the mandala that Russell Means chose after he passed over, and I remember the first time that I saw him in 2010, and asked, 'Who is this?'. After that I found him in the biblical prophecies.

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