
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Art and Food Solar Eclipse

After I was given whitebait in a dream, I try to have some whitebait at least a couple of times a month. There was fish in the recent 'Winds of Love' painting, so fish is certainly on the menu, so I had a whitebait salad.


Plate of iceberg lettuce, covered with some red onion, and a tomatoe cut small. I was out of mayonnaise, so I made some. My mayonnaise included the yolk of two eggs, some hemp oil, a large clove of chopped garlic, a splash of balsamic vinegar, little sprinkle of sugar, large teaspoon of butter and black pepper.

My mayonnaise went onto the salad, that was then sprinkled with cheese, with some whitebait on the top. I had my whitebait salad with a tortilla flat bread. Delicious. I have fresh fruit for afters, red plum, as plums are good for our eyes.

I felt compelled to paint today again, and we have more hands with what looks like a crocus flower, saffron for eyes. You can cook with it, or wear it as an essence.

Although I was really thinking, and linking with Diane James for leader of UKIP as I was spreading the paint. Diane has a career background in health, and this is the health solar eclipse on the 1st. It's a Saros 135.

Food and art for this eclipse, as both are healthy for us. We also feel engaged to bless the water, Dakota. and our natural resources, and those defending it.

Have a wonderful annular solar eclipse on the 1st September, 2016.


30th August, 2016 

'Day of Rock' 

There are crowds and crowds in Washington for Trump tonight.

"It's HOT!

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