
Friday 5 August 2016


The lovely Barbara shares with us from Greece about the forthcoming Aquarius Lunar Eclipse on the 18th of August, 2016. The 18th of August is the 'Day of Endurance' in numerics. So ponder upon what you have had to endure, and what has impeded upon your freedom. As the key word of Aquarius is freedom. You may feel that you wish to get rid of a mortgage, or other overheads. 

You may have been feeling 'trapped', in a situation recently, that could be in work, career, relationships or health.  Its the time to self-liberate, and liberate your love from whatever is stopping you from moving forward. So take a look at your birth charts to see where Aquarius is in your chart. 

I have an Aquarian sun sign, so an immense heart of freedom, and freedom is the key to my heart. So for instance when I was invited to go abroad, this Aquarian viewed that opportunity as a freedom opportunity. The freedom to write, to experience, and enjoy what life had brought to me. 

All it took was one phone call for me to say YES! because it came at the right time for the change in my life. I was ready to shed everything, and only kept what was essential to my work life, I was ready for a new beginning, a fresh start, a different and sunny location.

However, the phone call came at the exact time that I was pacing my office, speaking to God and saying enough, you have to move me on. At that moment in time the phone call came. It wasn't just synchronicity, it was divine plan.

Aquarius likes to be fluid, to move easily and gracefully; to help to liberate others so that they too can be free. A lot of people are talking about moving, and those that have mentioned it, have spoken about moving to rural areas and going higher. 

If you are considering moving country or location, I recommend you get an astrocartography chart that will show you where you can be most prosperous, or where you would gain a real relationship.

So for instance, I gave divine guidance to a healer and shared with her that the man that she would marry was in Australia. She kept looking for her man, she didn't have to do so, because he came looking for her and he found her via yours truly due to an article that I had written and had posted on the internet.

The reason that I am sharing this with you is that her astrocartography chart confirmed the divine guidance that she had been given in the 90's. How amazing was that the Englishman that had been living in Australia arrived in the UK during the Rev 12 timeline after the new millennium had begun. 

Another example is where your success is shown in a particular location in the world.

Success in business, success in relationships, success in health, success in spirituality, are all found in different locations. So it really depends on what you are hoping for success in? Your birth time and date reveals amazing information to you, about where you have the perfect fit on the planet, what is most auspicious for you. 

So for instance my chart showed that in my love life, Germany, South Africa and Hawaii were the most auspicious. No coincidence then that I met a man from Germany in my 20's, and we met in Camden. He was in the UK on business, he was in the fashion business and would come to and from England. He wasn't living in the UK, and although I liked him very much, I couldn't see myself living in Germany, as I didn't like Germany.

Decades later, a clairvoyant also foretold of a meeting with a Germanic man that wore glasses and had three children. She was totally accurate, I did meet a fair haired man with that description, and I was introduced to him by business people.

South Africa, a friend that came into my life was born in South Africa, and Michael had moved to America, we met in 2008 in Florida. Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel with the prince of Greece. These are just a few examples, Michael was looking for his freedom, and when I arrived he saw the light of freedom before him. 

Sometimes a woman can provide the freedom that a man is looking for, just as a mother can provide the freedom to her child if her child finds itself in poverty. The mother can help to liberate the child from what it has been 'trapped' by in many different circumstances. So the question to ask yourselves is what are you enduring, and what would you like to be liberated from? 

Just as a mother and wife can liberate, so can the father and husband when people put the effort in to help liberate humanity. A lunar eclipse also signifies it might be something that you might feel 'attached' to, something that is 'sentimental'. something that once had meaning in your life. It can be an object, clothes, furniture, books, even a social circle, or social network, or platform, what was once special to your heart may not be so anymore. 

So for instance I am at the age group whereby I would like to shed more. So I have been considering who I would give those precious items too. I have a beautiful sculpture that was gifted as a wedding present, and I have been thinking about giving it to a local historic art gallery. As the London artist deserves to be remembered in a different location, and he was a friend of my dad. The Son of Joseph. 

I have been getting rid of cast iron cooking pans that are too heavy now for me to lift, I remember when my mother gave those pans to me, when she got to the point whereby she couldn't lift them anymore.

I've been thinking about giving my mother's Spanish figurine of the nun and child to a local church. Mum would've loved listening to Milo, in this video he takes on the BBC. Milo and his freedom to communicate, this should be a good eclipse for Milo because he has strong gemini in his chart, and gemini's usually get on excellently with aquarians. His defence of freedom is admirable. Best wishes to him.

So think about what you can shed? What do you no longer require? What is holding you back? What is too heavy to carry? What has to be replaced? Have a clear out and let a charity have what you no longer require. Free yourselves, liberate yourselves, from things and situations that relate to those things. This is a time to be decisive, to take action gracefully, and in a humanitarian way.

Think of it this way, if you were about to move, what could you take with you? How easy would it be for you to move quickly? I remember that when I was in Australia I was being taught to live out of a suitcase, as I was told that when the time came, and I was told to go, that I wouldn't have much time to prepare. Only enough time to pack a case and go. 

What a surprise than this is the 13th post in August, and 13 is the day of this Aquarians birth and its key word of freedom. ELIAKIM had the key to Davids heart and his freedom, may he rest in peace.

The doors that shut on those that stop people from gaining their freedom, and the opening of the doors that help people to gain their freedom from that which they are enduring. Sometimes the medical profession is stopping people from gaining their financial freedom, so is DWP,  and I have certainly been looking at that recently.

The British government have broken every UN law, including the human rights to food, the human right to the freedom of speech, the human right to liveable housing, the human right to privacy. Do you know that there are people without hot water in the UK?

Do you know that the British corporation has given the peoples medical and dental records to a foreign corporation? Do you know what that is? Its "treason".

So for instance, I looked to see what free transport there was to get people to hospitals, as now they have to go much further away then they used to have to go. I phoned a voluntary service and they were asking for £88.00 who can afford that?

They also shared that one man was being sent all the way to the other side of London to see a specialist consultant. The British government had a big impact upon the British medical profession, when they laid off over 8,000 doctors in 2007.

Then people wonder why we don't have enough British doctors in the NHS. People have to be given the facts, and I certainly gave some facts to some young people that came to my door this week.

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