
Monday 29 August 2016

America 'Failed'

Interesting that Putin has said the same as what Jesus said about America, when he said that America has 'failed' in the summer of 2015.

A country that does not keep to it's nuclear agreements, a country that does not live up to the morality of international human rights has 'failed'.

A country that still implements 'Capital Punishment', a country that still keeps people in chains without trial. A country that invades other nations, and takes out their leaders, with Libya being an example of that.

Putin shares with you that the human rights organisations don't call out America either. In my experience of doing interviews with American radio, those Americans just couldn't accept that America is not a great country in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Nor is it a great country in the eyes of Jesus or Putin. Did Russell Means say any different about America? The Native American shared with the world that America has been at war every year since it became a reality.


Do you remember when Russell Means said, 'Prove me wrong America'. Michael who is mentioned in the book of Daniel, also said the same about America. He had no time for those American Christians, that did not live up to the standards that Jesus conveyed. Do you know that Americans have trillions in their pensions accounts? They didn't even take care of their own people with their own wealth, let alone help others. Do you know what the Elijah prophecy says about the 'robbing' that America has been engaged in? Do you know the sheer cost of that in the spiritual law?

Russell Means certainly had some obsidian lava didn't he, it reached far and wide, across the world. Russell said that if he was president of the USA, he would paint the white house red, then 'retrieve the constitution out of the toilet'. In this video he speaks of how he would 'get rid of property taxes, he says that property taxes are insanity'. 'Instant conflict resolution, study that why don't you'.

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