
Sunday 3 July 2016


I'm a Londoner and that woman should not be allowed to take a placard out of the hands of an elderly Londoner who is holding a LEAVE placard. We have freedom of speech in our country, that means freedom of speech for everyone, including the leave supporters. UN declaration of human rights, article 19. 

It does make you wonder what the nationality is of some of these people. As a true Londoner would respect the elderly London woman. Listen to this guy, who does he think he is talking to? Seriously, it looks like Germany has sent in loads of people to defend their right to rule over the United Kingdom.

We do not require any foreign nation to be in 'control' of our nation. Hear that loud and clearly. 

Who do these people think they are - speaking to people like it is shown in this video? You know what Germany is concerned about don't you? Over a million German jobs, in Germany. I wonder if this guy works for a german car company in the UK, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Perhaps he works for Mercedes or BMW. 

One of the people in the crowd was a big fan of Angela Merkel, so perhaps he would like to move to Germany to be closer to her. May peace be upon the remain voters, as they don't look very peaceful to me.

I will tell you this that Tony Benn was against the EU Project, so is Dennis Skinner, so is Nigel Farage and so is Jacob. It doesn't sound like the people in those videos have any idea what the EU Project is involved in. Although, people throughout Europe are arising against the EU Project and the way it looks, it looks like it is the end of America's corporation empire building with Merkel.

Interesting that Obama gave his maiden speech in Berlin, yes, in Berlin, does Rev 13 ring a bell, wisdom was called to do the count. Its easy to count when you know how, you see I can add up, and then work out the soferim.

After I watched the above videos, I thought it is time for a bath.  While bathing I asked the heavenly Father what he would like me to do. He responded, 'Fitna is arising, don't fret'.

What does fitna mean to me? It immediately reminds me of the film that was distributed by Geert Wilders in Holland. Although in Arabic it has different meanings. FRET is an interesting word, as my mother 'fret' when she was sent away to evacuation during WW2, and all her hair came out.

So they brought the child home as my grandparents decided, that if they were going to die, then they would all go together. Fortunately, they all lived in London, that had an incredible long-term impact upon my mother, although she knew that the family that she was evacuated to, really loved her.

The English family in Norfolk stayed in contact with her the whole of her life, she always kept that connection with them and their children. That must have been the time when my London born mother really found her connection with nature in the countryside on the farm, and why she loved the countryside so much.


What else happened while I was in the bathroom? I saw turquoise energy, and while I was enjoying my bath I saw my little green teddy bear key ring in a vision, and then more energy appeared and it looked like a plane with turquoise lights, it was like a spaceship, lift off. So this spaceship did lift off - and I went for a little walk in fresh air.

Angels of Colour 

On my little walk some angels of colour were walking towards me, and we gave each other a big smile. Then on my return, people were coming out of church and they all looked happy. So it seems that it is only people in London that are causing a fuss, because where I am people appear to be calm and peaceful.

'Hand of Transformation'

Turquoise lights also remind me of the 'Hand of Transformation' painting gifted to an American last week. Turquoise the colour of transformation and acceptance, that is something that remain voters have to do, accept that there is a democracy in the UK, and the leave voters voted with their hands and feet. It is our constitution that is being upheld, and in some locations over 70% of the people voted leave. Businessman, Digby Jones shares that our grandchildren will say thank you.

It is also about integrity and we would rather have integrity than the EU Project. We would rather have a sovereign nation, that allows our people to be sovereigns of themselves. We would rather have people that allow an elderly protestor to hold her placard peacefully, we would rather have people that are respectfully helpful to the elderly.  We would rather have people that comprehend the art of communication, and communicating from the heart.

What else do we have on FRET? It is connected with the musical instrument.

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