
Monday 4 July 2016

Nigel Farage History Maker

Nigel Farage, a man that made history happen, and men of his stature, competence, courage, tenacity and forthrightness don't come very often. I can appreciate that Nigel would like his life back and it is biblical. In fact, it is an initiation all of its own.

The day of the fisheries on the Thames was a defining moment in time, when Bob Geldof came out against the LEAVE campaigners, it was great to see supporters come up to support Nigel and the leave campaign, when others were trying to squash it.

How people knew who was who, and the LEAVE flotilla finally took the Thames. I read yesterday that lawyers with offices in London and New York have now challenged the legality of BREXIT on behalf of clients, and they've said that there has to be a vote in parliament to make it legal.

Interesting that the lawyers provide free legal advice for the LGBT movement, not to others, so how legal is that? Those lawyers are actually implementing 'discrimination', as it can be seen in our nation in many different guises. As too are the remain people in London, when they tried to take away a placard from an elderly leave voter during the weekend.

Yes, there is retrieval of your soul for health reasons, that comes years prior to the retrieval of your own life when you have laid it down for divine purpose and divine will. As we know Nigel has become known for his sharing of truth, and I don't think he can ever stop doing that whether he is leading a party or not. The dolphins of unconditional love appeared in time for the rescue, ever supportive of Nigel Farage, no matter what others said about him, for silence is compliance.

He is a great orator in the nature of the Son of Joseph on this land of Joseph.

'Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance'. Psalm 33:12


His seat has leader of UKIP in the UK will be hard to fill because whomever takes his place people will compare to Nigel, he has raised the bar and standard, that even princes and kings could not match. That is also biblical. People have been calling for Nigel to be given a peerage, and to become the PM. Clearly, Nigel as his own life that he chooses to lead with his wife and family, and he has often made his intentions clear.

As our people reclaim and take back our country, Nigel Farage reclaims his life. On this the 4th of July, 2016. American Independence Day. 2016, the 4th of July, in numerics is the 'Day of Group', its also a new moon that often brings new opportunities and possibilities.

The numeric of 2016 also gives us the biblical verse of 'The last will be first and the first will be last'.

Yesterday, I saw turquoise energy, and that is the colour of transformation and acceptance. I also saw my little green teddy bear keyring, the eco bear and Nigel has spoken up for our green pastures in defence of our countryside. I also saw the energy of what looked like a plane-spaceship with turquoise lights. Its lift off. That then reminds us of the Kent airport project, that the people of Kent were interested in developing in Thanet, as it would create more jobs.

I remember some years ago, I was in the library and as I looked around, straight in front of me was a book with the word KENT and 2012, was the 'beginning of the end of the world as people have known it'.

'Whoever loses their life for me and the gospel will save it'. Mark 8:35 


The lovely historical houses in Thanet. 

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