
Saturday 30 July 2016

Grace Under Pressure

The numeric of 29 is 'Grace Under Pressure' and it impacts on your career and personal life. It is a requirement for spiritual strength to cope with the trials and tribulations of life. Its a timeline when friends are 'unreliable', a lot of 'uncertainty and danger.' No surprise then that Milo's journey to Sweden to speak to people in that country has been cancelled. Milo has strong Gemini in his chart.

Its a time when you have to trust in yourself and your own heart. Of course, the 29 numeric is also associated with the first saturn return and what happened at the age of 29. 

The Spirit of Grace and supplication of the holy beggar as recorded in the scriptures. "And I will pour out on the house of David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, a Spirit of Grace and supplication' Zechariah 12:10 The 30th July, is the 'Day of Tangible Presence'.


When the holy ones are under pressure, it rebounds upon humanity. Humanity have to return as foretold in the prophecies. So think about where you were when you were 29 years old, and how it impacted upon your career and your personal life. What actions you took to rearrange your life; if and when you had the health to do so. At 29 years old, youngsters have so much to give, so much strength, so much stamina, so much energy, what's important is where they focus that energy. 

When I was 29 years old, I was a mother with a baby, overcoming life circumstances with a part-time business. I was helping younger women that shared my home. Feeding anyone that was brought to my home with the love that they required. It was the year that I made some life changing decisions, that impacted upon my home, career and son's life.

In Steve's video he mentions America, and its election. News is that there has been an event at a town called 'Lockhart' near Austin, Texas. 16 were on board a hot air balloon that crashed, there were no survivors. Obadiah 1:18.

Yours truly have warned people about taking such journeys. That's a message for America isn't it, LOCKHART!. 7th July, Jesus spoke and he said that the 'Doors Are Locked'.

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