
Monday 25 July 2016

Feminism and Science

The fact is that boys and girls do excel in different subjects, Milo is correct.  

However, I will make this point, feminists that socially engineer children to go into science against the will of their soul's journey, that then manifests 'depression'. It was found the same with university students that did the degree that their parents chose for them, instead of the degree their own hearts chose. 

I remember in the 90's when a teenager was 'depressed', and when questioned about it, she opened up and willingly shared that she was being pushed to go into science at school by her teacher. When in actual fact, she excelled in a different subject, English and her English teacher agreed with the child.

So we discussed her natural talents and all of the opportunities that were available to her with English, so that her heart could sing with joy again.


Paint spread for an American woman that loves English. 
June, 2016. 

When you come from the heart, it is easy to ascertain what is causing a child's 'depression', its easy to find the solution within the child, when you have the heart to do so. Its a matter of asking the right questions to find out what is ailing the child. If you have confidence and trust in the child, they will tell you what they love, what they enjoy the most, and what they would like to do in life.

It is about adults serving the requirements of children in their best interests, not the best interests of the adult, feminists or the corporations. Children are the supreme joy of human life, allow the children to live their joyousness, allow the children to be unique, and special in their own right.

Of course the sooner that children are allowed to express why they are 'depressed' with a person that they respect, a person that is listening to what that child has to say. The sooner we can put an end to 'youth depression'. Sometimes they are too close to their parents, and they require to be in a spiritual space of the heart that they find interesting with someone else.

In those days, I had large golden cherubs each end of the curtain poles and the window overlooking the garden flowed with white cotton muslin. I also had a victorian piano in that room, and there were victorian engravings of children in the hallway, that was a connection with a past life.

The teenager was willing to come and visit this healer for a consultation because her mum had said that she could have a clairvoyant reading. I don't remember the reading, although I do remember our powerful exchange prior to it, during our heart-to-heart session of a meeting of spiritual and creative hearts. In the exploring of her heart, to liberate her love from the 'social engineering' that she was experiencing at school. The pathfinder that found her path to happiness, the love liberator.

My truth is that you can ascertain what a child's natural talents are by around the age of 7, especially, if you have allowed your child to blossom naturally. Now just because a child as a natural talent doesn't mean that they will definitely manifest until they are ready to do so, and that might be beyond the usual time for higher education. It may not require higher education at all, it just depends on the abilities and soul journey of the child.

So for instance at age 7, my son was being a teacher and helping his friends to navigate their lives. I also found him taking apart mechanical and electrical things, he wished to know what was inside and how things worked. He was like a duck to water with a computer as most of his generation were, and he loved computer graphics. It was hard to get him interested in reading and writing, he wasn't really interested in the garden, although he enjoyed working with his mum and cooking.

Before he went to secondary school, he was already planning to have his own business with his friend that went off to boarding school, so that was the end of that.

He loved animals as most children do, although he decided that he didn't wish to spend all the years at university studying to become a veterinary surgeon.

So I offered him an alternative, and at age 14 he become a Reiki healer, although he didn't pursue a career working with animals and complimentary medicine. Although he was offered the extra opportunity to train in Shiatsu for Horses and Dogs with a world class teacher or it.

He approached a university as a mature student, in respect of his love for technology and graphics, they turned down his application, so that was the end of that. He then went back to education to do his GCSE's as he chose to leave college in his teens.  He did Science, Maths and English, so that he could become a trainee teacher after we did a word chart together - to find out what his soul was asking for.

From the words that he wrote, it was clear to his mum, that his work had to be in either health or education because the most important thing to him was compassion. So we discussed the options, and then he explored it to make his decision that could offer him a stable career.

Angels of Colour 

It is written that Milo dropped out of his university education, and he certainly has an acedemic brain for facts. Due to his birth chart, and his north node, it shows us that his brain goes ten times faster than his vocal chords. He also has what we call a photographic brain.

I met a young man from the LGBT community, whose natural talents were far beyond anyone at any university, that could tutor him. In his case, he didn't require a piece of paper to validate his abilities and talents due to his sheer amount of confidence in himself. He didn't have to be taught by academics, he was a natural scholar that can speak numerous languages, including Hebrew and Arabic. He was naturally academic, where my son was naturally creative, and I knew that when he began junior school.

In fact, he was more advanced when he began school, than he was two-three years later. It is a proven fact that we send children to school too young in the UK, and that does impede upon their learning abilities and natural talents. I think the age of 7 is the right age for a child to start school. 

The natural academic didn't require a piece of paper to get him a job, he started his own company, and some people are pre-destined to do that, because they have the natural talents and life experience that are required to do it.

A couple of years ago, I met a woman whose son loves science and music, and she spoke of her tendency to push him forward with the science. My recommendation to that mother was to allow her son to continue to major in both as there are degrees that accommodate it.

Also the combination of science and sound is becoming more and more important in the medical field, the more that medics come to appreciate the science of it.

So there was a mother that allowed her children's natural talents to blossom, she has a son that loves science and music, and a daughter that loves gymnastics and excels at that. Natural talents of the mother, allowing her children to be who they wish to be and being very supportive of the children and their aspirations. Allowing children to follow their hearts that are compelled by love.

There was a story about another child and school, his mum shared with me how her son who was Indian, was asked to do a project at junior school on India. His choice was to do a project on Indian cricket, his passion was sport and cricket.

The teacher wouldn't allow him to do his project that he was inspired creatively to create. The teacher insisted upon the project being on India the country. Why didn't that teacher recognise the opportunity with that child that was before her? An opportunity for the child to explore his natural talents. The child was Indian, he knew about India the country, his parents were Indian, his heart, his love was cricket and sport.

Then there was the 18 month old baby that insisted upon listening to a healing CD with my voice before she went to sleep. She taught herself how to put the CD player on, how to put the CD in so that she could listen to it whenever she wished to do so. How amazing is that - babies that love to listen to meditation and a soothing female healing voice.

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