
Saturday 16 July 2016


Nostradamus European quatrains include Italy, Germany, France and Spain. This specific quatrain puts all of the countries together in what looks like the EU Project.


'A year before Italy is in the conflict. 
The Germans, French and Spanish will be struggling for power. 
The schoolhouse of the republic will fall. 
It and its people stifled to death'. 

The "schoolhouse' is interesting as it can relate to education and education policies, most likely to do with economics as they'll 'struggling for power'. Power can also relate to energy, and a German corporation took over Powergen in the UK, it became E.ON. However, it could also relate to agricultural education due to America and TTIP.

UK referendum and the UK prepares to leave the EU. Hungary are pushing for a referendum to leave the EU. Hollande from France said NO to Obama (and American food) and Merkel, and authorities in France warned the French people of a forthcoming 'civil war'. The next day, the event in the holiday resort of Nice, one of the most expensive locations in France. The French do love their French food, it is renowned in the world, just like the Italians love theirs.

At the same time, the EU and USA negotiator's of TTIP have made their announcement while everyone as been looking at what's been going on in France.

Why would it take a year for Italy to get involved in the conflict? Italy has the most ecological land in the EU, the most ecological food in the EU. The agricultural division of the UN is also near Rome, I think Italy was chosen for it due to it being so ecological and caring for its land. Most of the farmers in Italy didn't take on all of the 'fertilisers and pesticides', when they were originally being pushed upon the farmers for higher yields. Most of the farmers in Italy chose quality and the integrity of their food over and above anything else.

Now Obama on behalf of the corporations is demanding that Europeans eat their monsanto food and France said, NO to Obama and to Merkel. So what do you think that Italy will say once it sinks in with the farmers and the other Italians about what is going on with America and its globalisation?

Prophet Isaiah gave a serious warning about globalisation, when he warned not to make all of the fields one. A big connection there with agricultural police and farming.

Interesting that the painting of my feet came off the wall today, and it was pointing towards the door and the hallway to go out.


Irish lawyers are calling for a referendum in Ireland due to TTIP.

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